Myanmar military officers aimed and killed even high school girls at home

It is known that a military coup was followed by protests across Myanmar, where a soldier killed a high school girl at home in broad daylight.

According to local media Irrawaddy on the 18th, Matida E (16 years old, 2 years high school) was at a friend’s house in a village in Mandalay in central Myanmar on the 15th.

A high school girl who died at a friend's house by a Myanmar army's sniper

picture explanationA high school girl who died at a friend’s house by a Myanmar army’s sniper

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When Mattida heard a gunfire, he was going to a friend’s house and was transformed, and the friend who was sitting with was also reportedly shot and injured in a finger.

Matidae’s father, Wu Yun Chaing, said, “My daughter was shot twice by a sniper shot from a hill 300m from the village,” he said. “I was moved to the hospital, but as soon as I arrived, I was sentenced to death.”

At the entrance of the village that day, soldiers clashed with residents after arresting some of the participants in the coup protest. The arrested protesters were eventually released, but a woman passing by a military truck was injured by a soldier’s gun.

Other residents who heard the news set up a passing military truck and captured two out of five soldiers. The remaining three fled to the nearby mountains and shot them with sniper rifles, Wu Yun Chaing said.

He also said, “There was a soldier on the bridge going home from the hospital, so I buried the body of my daughter near the hospital.” Revealed.

The scene of protests condemning the coup in Myanmar, reminiscent of a battlefield

picture explanationThe scene of protests condemning the coup in Myanmar, reminiscent of a battlefield

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Myanmar’s military police dug the grave of Chial-sin (19, female) who died by police shooting in a cemetery in Mandalay on the 5th, stole the body, and committed an autopsy at the scene and buried again.

Chial Shin, who loved Taekwondo and dance and was also called’Angel’, wore a T-shirt with the phrase’Everything will be alright’ and participated in a protest in a coup protest, and after being changed, this phrase emerged as a symbol of aspiration for democracy. Now that’s what you’re doing.

Newspapers run by the military government on that day reported that “If Chial was hit by a live bullet, his head would have been damaged.

Tomb of the god Chial, where the military police in Myanmar stole the body

picture explanationTomb of the god Chial, where the military police in Myanmar stole the body

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Prior to this, the military government manipulated the case of Mia Towe Towe Kain (20, female), who died after 10 days after being hit with a live bullet from the police for the first time at the scene of a demonstration in the capital city of Naepido on the 9th of last month. have.

At the time, the state newspaper claimed, “As a result of the autopsy, a piece of lead was found in Cain’s head, which is different from the bullets used by the police.”

Despite pressure from the international community, the number of deaths surpassed 200 as the Myanmar military launched live ammunition at citizens shouting anti-coups.

The military took power in a coup on the 1st of last month for the reason that the civil government did not investigate even though serious irregularities occurred in the general elections in November last year.


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