Myanmar declares martial law in parts of Yangon… “At least 38 people died”

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Myanmar declares martial law in parts of Yangon… “At least 38 people died”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Kim Jung-ryul |
2021-03-15 06:48 sent

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On the 3rd (local time) in Yangon, Myanmar, police watch a protest condemning a military coup. © AFP=News1 © News1 Reporter Dongmyeong Woo

On the 14th (local time), Myanmar’s military declared martial law on two densely populated Yangon regions.

On the 15th (local time), foreign media such as Reuters and AFP reported that the Myanmar state media had proclaimed martial law in Hlingtaya and Shipita in Yangon.

Myanmar’s state-run media said, “The military imposes administrative and judicial martial law on commanders in Yangon,” and said, “Practice security and maintain the rule of law and tranquility more effectively.”

Meanwhile, according to the Myanmar Political Offenders Committee (AAPP), at least 38 protesters were killed in the process of hardly suppressing the protests over the weekend by the military. Of these, 22 came from Hlaingthaya, Yangon.

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