Myanmar citizens even held late-night protests against’night curfew’

Myanmar citizens even held late-night protests against’night curfew’

Reporter Yoon Yeo-jin [email protected]

Input: 2021-03-09 18:18:14Revision: 2021-03-09 18:19:40Published: 2021-03-09 18:21:26 (p. 12)


Citizens of Myanmar go on a street march at night in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city.  AP Yonhap News Yonhap News

Citizens of Myanmar go on a street march at night in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city. AP Yonhap News Yonhap News

The citizens of Myanmar, who condemned the coup, filled the streets even at night. As the military and police created a horror atmosphere at night, citizens who had complained that “it is not safe to stay in the house” went on a march on the streets at all.

Military police, Yangon Sanchaung area blocked

‘To the streets at night’ in search and assault of protesters

On the 9th, on social media such as Twitter, photos of late-night protests with the hashtag “#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar” are quite searched. After the military took power in a coup on the 1st of last month, it issued a curfew from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am the next day, and banned assemblies of five or more people.

Thousands of Yangon citizens came to the streets on the 8th and held their first large-scale demonstration at night. They went out to the streets demanding to stop the search when news that the military police blocked access to the Sanchaung area in Yangon, drove 200 young protesters in, and ran through the house.

In San Cha-Woong, photos and videos of the military police firing blind bullets at citizens, engaging in violence, and destroying parked vehicles were also uploaded one after another.

The news was reported on social media that more than 50 protesters were arrested in San Chaung. Photos of a young girl living in San Chaung crying and bleeding nose because of tear gas were also widespread.

Yangon citizens came out to the streets in the middle of the night and demanded “free the protesters of San Chaung,” and the scene where they confronted armed military policemen was reminiscent of an immediate battlefield.

There was also support from the international community. The UN Human Rights Office tweeted on the 8th, “We are deeply concerned that about 200 participants in the peace demonstration in Yangon have been blocked from access by the security forces, and that they are in danger of being arrested or abused.” The US embassy in Myanmar and the British embassy also urged the safe release of the protesters. UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutechs also urged the Myanmar military to refrain from as much as possible and to ensure the safety of all protesters without violence or arrest. Reporter Yoon Yeo-jin, some Yonhap News
