Musk’s wife 6.5 billion times in 20 minutes… Digital painting auction sold out

  Photo = Yonhap News

Photo = Yonhap News

Grimes, the wife and singer of Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk, auctioned off a digital painting with encryption technology such as bitcoin and earned 6.5 billion won in 20 minutes.

On the 3rd (local time), according to the US economic media Business Insider, Grimes recently posted 10 digital painting collections titled’War Nymph’ at an online auction.

These paintings were sold for a total of 5.8 million dollars (6.5 billion won) in 20 minutes. Grimes put his song in the background on a fictional image of a baby angel with wings protecting Mars and put it on an online auction.

Grimes introduced the baby angel depicted in his digital collection as’the Goddess of the new Genesis.’

Photo = Grimes Twitter capture

Photo = Grimes Twitter capture

These digital paintings caught the attention of online auction participants, and they were all sold soon after speculation that they depicted Musk’s space travel to Mars and a child born between Musk and Grimes.

Grimes’ digital painting has recently been applied with the’NFT’ (Non fungible Token) technology, which is very popular in the virtual asset market. Like Bitcoin, NFT utilized blockchain technology.

However, unlike existing virtual assets, NFT has given a separate and unique recognition value to digital assets such as coins. For example, the current price per bitcoin is the same.

However, when NFT is applied, one coin has a separate recognition value that is’non-replaceable’ from other coins, and the price varies for each coin.

In particular, because NFT can give virtual assets the value of scarcity and uniqueness, it is an atmosphere that rapidly increases its influence in the field of digital art and online sports and game item transactions.

The British Daily Daily Mail said, “Grims’ online auction performance has fueled the virtual asset craze using NFT.” Told.

“The digital collectible known as the NFT is gaining explosive popularity,” the US economic media CNBC broadcast said. “From art to sports cards, people spend millions of dollars on digital collectibles.”

The amount of NFT transactions grew to 250 million dollars (280.6 billion won) last year, coupled with the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Above all, as NFT virtual assets are recognized as a popular investment vehicle, examples of selling at enormous prices, such as the digital paintings of Grimes, are emerging one after another.

The 10-second video clip created by digital artist’Beeple’ can be viewed online for free at any time, but sold for $6.6 million (7.4 billion won) on the NFT exchange last week.

An art collector in Florida, USA, bought the clip last October for $67,000 (75 million won) and resold it for a 100-fold increase in just four months.

However, when the originals were traded for billions of billions because images and pictures that anyone can see online at any time have their own digital recognition value, a warning about the NFT craze is also coming out.

Reuters reported that “the NFT market is showing a price bubble as a result of the influx of big money. Like many niche investment sectors, if the craze subsides, it can lead to huge losses, and it can be a good opportunity only for scammers.”

Reporter Joara [email protected]
