Musk “Tesla disappeared from Apple, but got rejected”

On the 23rd (Korean time), one day after the report that Apple is entering the electric car market, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, an existing electric car market leader, said, “Tim Cook, Apple CEO, will not even hold a meeting when he proposed to buy Tesla. “I didn’t,” he criticized. Although I didn’t say it directly, it was an indirect criticism for coming in late as Tesla passed the bankruptcy crisis and began to grow the market in earnest.

CEO Musk said on a Twitter posted at 5 am (Korean time) that day, “I contacted CEO Cook during a period of extreme difficulty in developing the Model 3 and explored the possibility of acquiring Tesla (at the level of a tenth of the current market cap).” “But he didn’t even meet him,” he said. The current Tesla market cap is about 630 billion dollars (about 750 trillion won), but if it is 10%, the amount suggested by Musk CEO is about 63 billion dollars (about 75 trillion won). Model 3 development was difficult between 2017 and 2019, and as it was said that the company went bankrupt at the time, it is estimated that the time when Musk wanted to meet Cook was also around 2018.

In addition, Musk CEO said about the battery technology’monocell’ that Apple has the day before, “a monocell is an electrically impossible structure.” Asked.

[실리콘밸리 = 신현규 특파원]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
