Movie Monster Hunter, confirmed to be released on February 10 at IMAX in Korea

▲ The release date of the movie Monster Hunter in Korea has been confirmed (Photo: Official video capture)

‘Monster Hunter’, a live-action film based on the game starring Milla Jovovich, a’female warrior’ famous for the 5th Element and Resident Evil, has confirmed its release date in Korea.

The movie Monster Hunter, distributed in Korea by Sony Pictures, is scheduled to be released in various formats including IMAX on February 10th. On the 18th, an official trailer was posted on the official YouTube channel of Sony Pictures Korea.

▲ Official trailer for the Monster Hunter movie (Video source: Sony Pictures Korea’s official YouTube channel)

The trailer supports Korean subtitles in 55 seconds. UN troops led by Milla Jovovich are transferred to the monster hunter world and faced Diablos in the middle of the desert. Mila Jovovich and his troops, who escaped from Diablo’s attack, meet Hunter Tony Ja, and Milla Jovovich receives a twin sword from Tony Ja and learns how to use it, and becomes a hunter.

In addition to the aforementioned Diablos, the video also features a fire-breathing Rio Reus. There is a scene where Milla Jovovich shoots the UN Army’s Gatling cannon, but the elements of the original game are emphasized in action, such as using a slinger to narrow the distance to a monster or shoot an arrow.

▲ Main scene of the movie Monster Hunter trailer (photo: official video capture)
