Mother who died instead of trying to save her daughter’s life who was raped by her uncle

[사진출처 = 워싱턴포스트]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 워싱턴포스트]

In the United States, a man raped his nephew and ordered him to kill him, but his mother died instead.

The Washington Post reported on the 4th (local time) that Louisiana prosecutors had indicted Bo Komier, 35, Andrew Eskin, 25, and Dalvin Wilson, 22, for two first-degree murders.

The victims are Bo Komier’s younger sister Britney Komier, 34, and his neighbor Hope Nettleton, 37.

Reportedly, on the 13th of last month, Eskin and Wilson visited Britney’s home in Montagu to find Britney’s daughter.

Her maternal uncle Boo, who was accused of raping Britney’s daughter in March last year, hired Eskin and Wilson to murder her daughter and prevent them from giving evidence in court.

But Britney said she was her daughter, and they just shot him to death. Neighbor Netlton, who visited the house at the time, was also killed for resistance. The police arrived at around 10:20 p.m. that day and found both victims confirmed to have died at the scene.

“The mother lied instead to protect her daughter,” the police said.

Thanks to the sacrifices of her mother and neighbor, Britney’s daughter, who was hiding in her closet, was safe.

Currently, the criminals have been captured by the police and imprisoned in Terrorvon Parrish Prison.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
