‘Mother Solo’, a dating teacher who made reporters tired of Mosol.

▲ Yes. Everyone was solo when they were born (Photo: Game Mecca)

There is a myth that if you don’t have a relationship for 30 years after birth, you become a’wizard’ who can use magic to the fullest. When you can use magic, your life becomes very rich, and a reporter, a mother-in-law for 30 years, has also used magic to write articles without breaking a hand (let’s wipe the moisture from the snow for a while).

Being a sorcerer is such a good thing, but I heard the depressing news that a game to overcome it has appeared. It is the blind date simulation game’Mother Solo’ developed by Indikaba Interactive. It is an interactive movie genre in which real actors appear and the story changes according to player choice. I played a game to guide Kang Gi-mo, the protagonist who wants to walk the wrong path of solo escape, to the right path. However, contrary to what was expected, Kang Ki-mo had enough qualities to become a wizard who was superior to anyone else.

▲ Mo Tae Solo official introduction video (Video source: Indykaba interactive official YouTube channel)

29-year-old’Mosol’ Kang Ki-mo, a wizard promising different from specs

First of all, let’s look at the academic background of the main character, Kang Ki-mo. In these days, I would like to know what the educational background is, but as Hogwarts is famous for being a prestigious school, it cannot be ignored in the wizarding world. Kang Ki-mo went through Namjung-Namgo-Tech, and it can be said to be’the staple of the magician world’ with specs far exceeding that of journalists who were all coed.

Before the start of a full-fledged blind date, you can take a look at Kang Gi-mo’s smartphone, and at a glance, he is enough to be a wizard. The video app that resembles YouTube is full of traces of seeing a video explaining the blind date know-how, but I understand the feeling of wanting to catch a straw, but the name of the channel I watched is’DR. “Casano” doesn’t seem to be very helpful for solo escape.

▲ I learned about dating through video (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ Still, the advice of YouTuber’Doctor Cassano’ is (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ It is more useful than the advice of his best friend, Sechi (Photo: Game Mecca)

As such, it can be seen that Gimo Kang has all the qualities of a great wizard from before the start of the blind date. Still, I watched the blind date from start to finish, thinking that I don’t know about people. However, I was worried about this, and even the choice I chose with the feeling of’Where do you try to escape solo’ has led to words and actions that unfailingly embarrassed the other person.

It was fortunate that the other person did not run away.

If you meet people you don’t know, it is assumed that you first introduce yourself. Our protagonist Kang Ki-mo also started a conversation with self-introduction, and from here on, a tragedy that we could not see with our eyes opened. There were three options:’with humor~’,’honesty, formality, jeongseok’, and’showing flaunt’, but I didn’t even consider that’showing flaunt’ was recommended by a bluff-filled best friend. When choosing humor, I couldn’t even get a sense of what kind of irrationality to put, so I set it to’honesty, formal, and jeongseok’, but it was’TMI’ that quickly cooled the atmosphere from family relationships to hometown. Gimo Kang, what are you going to do with this atmosphere?

▲ With one ear, Sechi’s advice (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ I chose a good one (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ Do you even reveal the main building, sijo, and grandson? (Photo: Game Mecca)

Still, it seemed to make up for the penalty with a sensuous recommended menu from the subsequent drink orders. Then, with confidence, he said he was going to pay, but what is this, there is only 1,500 won on the check card. At that moment, the memory of the night before, passing through Kang Ki-mo’s head, the balance was only 4,600 won due to the purchase of a whopping 320,000 won electric kickboard. At the end of paying coupons for other cafes, the payment is successful by adding 5,000 won in cash and a birthday promotion where you can drink a drink for free. You have passed the crisis, but your preparation is so insufficient! Kang Ki-mo, do you have any heart to date?

▲ Insufficient check card balance (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ Balance 4,600 won…? (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ I poured all my intelligence into the payment, but my mind was weak (Photo: Game Mecca)

The bigger problem is that the above cases are just a warm-up compared to future actions. If you stay still, you can go in the middle, but in front of someone who has raised a squirrel, the tail looks like a roll cake, so you pretend to be cute, or Pachelbel’s canon is called Bach’s canon. There is even a comment when I was smoking a tiger saying that I would like to take care of my palms.

The climax of Ki-Mo Kang’s excellent Mosol skill, which never ends in waves, is the time to talk about how to express favor with the opposite sex. Kang Ki-mo makes a lot of winks at Lee Sung, who likes this, and Kim Yu-mi, a blind girl who saw this, said, “It seems that the good feeling that I had will disappear.” If the reporter had been a woman, he would have reported it to the police via mobile phone emergency contact as soon as he saw it, but Yumi Kim seems to have a very generous personality.

In addition to this, he says that he is a specialty of magic, and he does something that he can’t see with his eyes open, such as the magic that makes his fingers disappear, the magic that eats his eyeballs, or goes to the toilet for a while. This is enough for a woman on the other side to stand up, but Kim Yoo-mi, like an angel, holds her hands tightly at the words of Gi-mo Kang that she couldn’t hold her hand once and cheers her that she will meet a good person. However, our protagonist Kang Ki-mo said, “Are we dating now because we hold hands?” and makes the player take hold of the back by itself.

▲ I am not a person with experience of raising squirrels (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ It’s screaming (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ In the winking scene, the hand spontaneously turned to the PC power button (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ You are fortunate that this is such a reaction, Mr. Gi-mo Kang (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ Please stop…I will surrender (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ Still, Kim Yoo-mi comforts Kang Gi-mo (Photo: Game Mecca)
▲ Found the head of the wizards (Photo: Game Mecca shooting)

Does this game have a happy ending?

It’s unbelievable, but it is said that there is a happy ending in the game’Mother Solo’, where Kang Ki-mo and Kim Yu-mi are connected. In fact, it’s Kang’s behavior, but it seems to be absent for some reason. If the happy ending theory is true, it is clear that Yumi Kim is an angel who can control the infinite magical power (?) of Kang Ki-mo, who will become a great wizard in the future.

In fact, as all the psychology and actions of Mao Tae-solo that exist in reality are focused on one person, Gi-mo Kang, it feels somewhat arbitrary. Still, the peculiar impatient feelings of mother-to-be solo are well embodied, and there are quite a few parts that are worth empathy when you open them one by one, indicating that they were faithful to the testimony of reality. With this game, let’s take advantage of Kang Ki-mo’s failure and challenge the real relationship. Huh? You don’t know why Kang Ki-mo’s words and actions are weird? My God, I’m going to meet the Archmage here!
