‘Morning Madang’ Im Il-ju “I am paralyzed during a traffic accident during military vacation…I will break the prejudice of the disabled”

[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

‘Morning Madang’ Lim Il-joo expressed his determination to break the prejudice against the disabled.

In KBS1’s’Morning Madang’, which aired on the 6th, the’Challenge Dream Stage’ unfolded.

On this day, Il-ju Lim said, “As you can see, I am a disabled person. When I was 24, I was in a car accident while on vacation in the army.

All limbs were paralyzed from under the neck due to spinal cord injury. My dream was a singer. Before going to the army, I sang in a live cafe. I thought I’d become a great singer, but my dreams shattered. I cursed my body and I was ashamed of myself in a wheelchair.”

He said, “I received hospital treatment for 3 years because my father passed away when I was in the 3rd grade of middle school, and my mother, who raised me alone, was an only child. Still ashamed of showing me, I didn’t go outside the house. Then I met a woman who was volunteering at a club for the disabled and got married. My wife taught me that I too can be loved by someone. He confessed that he constantly gave me courage to come into the world.”

He said, “At the recommendation of an acquaintance, I challenged the handicapped mid-centre audition. I was happy to say that because my dream is a singer, in fact, I am paralyzed under my neck and cannot give strength to my stomach and my lung capacity is less than that of non-disabled people. I was unable to sing, but I sang desperately and passed the audition.”

Im Il-joo “I started to dream of becoming a lost singer again. For four years, I screamed from 10 am to 6 pm. I was told not to practice because my neck hurts around me. I sang and practiced really hard. As a result, my breathing became longer and I learned the posture and singing skills that fit my body.

I wanted to study music officially, so I majored in vocals when I entered the University of Practical Music. I am singing hard as a singer. There are people with a prejudice that people with disabilities will not be good at doing art. I will break that prejudice.” He sang’Good thing’ of Lee Jeok.

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Photo|Capture of KBS broadcasting screen

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
