Mori’s remarks in Japan for’deprecation of women’ continue after the storm 91% “There is a problem”

Yoshiro Mori at a press conference, chairman of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee (Live streaming on YouTube) © News 1

Yoshiro Mori (83), the chairman of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games organizing committee, has a strong post-storm over women’s demeaning remarks. According to a poll, 91% of Japanese people think that Mori’s remarks are “problem.” Chairman Mori apologized for the incident and refused to resign, but the pressure to withdraw is expected to increase.

According to the results of a public opinion poll conducted by the Yomiuri Shimbun on the 5th and 7th, 91% of the respondents that Chairman Mori’s remarks had a problem were 63% of’There are big problems’ and 28% of’There are some problems.

According to men and women, 67% of the respondents who answered’there is a big problem’ were more than men (59%).

In a poll conducted by Kyodo News on the 6th and 7th, 59.9% of respondents said that they thought that Chairman Mori was not a suitable person for the chairman.

At the Japan Olympic Committee (JOC) meeting held online on the 3rd, Mori mentioned the issue of increasing the number of female directors, and said, “Boards with a lot of women take time (to proceed with the meeting),” controversy.

As voices of criticism continued not only in Japan but also in foreign media, he held a press conference on the 4th and apologized for the remarks, but refused to resign.

With Mori’s demeaning remarks against women, skepticism about the summit of the Tokyo Olympics continues due to the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

According to the Yomiuri poll, 61% of respondents thought they should postpone or stop the Tokyo Olympics. Only 8% of the people thought that the Tokyo Olympics should be held as a spectator.

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