Moon Park, a Korean North Korean expert criticized by the government, appoints a high-ranking position in the US State Department

Anchored. [브루킹스 연구소]

Anchored. [브루킹스 연구소]

A North Korean expert, South Korean-American Jeong Park (47, Korean name Park Jeong-hyun), has been appointed as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs at the Department of State.

Biden Administration Appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia Pacific
CIA, DNI, North Korean intelligence analyst
Kim Jong-un has a skeptical view of the will to denuclearize
President Trump-Moon harshly criticizes North Korea policy

On the 26th, Deputy Assistant Secretary Park said, “I am happy to announce that I have joined the State Department as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the East Asia Pacific.” “It is an honor to be able to serve Americans again in a new position and work with the dream team of the Department of State East Asia Thailand.” Revealed.

His tweet was written in the form of saying “Congratulations to Secretary Blincoln,” referring to a tweet posted by Secretary of State Tony Blincoln, who took office today.

After passing the approval of the Senate plenary session on the same day as 78:22, Secretary Blincoln tweeted, “We will revitalize US diplomacy to develop our interests and values ​​in the world as they are, not as they were. “I wrote.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Park is an information expert dealing with political and security issues in South and North Korea and East Asia. In the administration of Barack Obama, he worked as an information analyst on the Korean Peninsula at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Intelligence Agency (DNI).

He has risen to high-ranking positions, including the Deputy National Intelligence Analyst in charge of DNI East Asia and Director of the CIA East Asia Pacific Mission Center. He has written hundreds of daily information briefings to President Obama and has also supported the White House National Security Council (NSC).

After Donald Trump’s administration entered the office, he resigned and moved to the Brookings Institute, a representative think tank in Washington from 2017, where he worked as a senior researcher and took the Korean seat at the East Asia Policy Research Center.

Earlier last year, he published a book, “Becoming Kim Jong Un: An Insight from a Former CIA Analyst on North Korea’s Mysterious Young Dictator (Becoming Kim Jong Un),” which analyzed North Korea’s Chairman of the State Council.

After President Biden was elected, he was named on the list of 23 takeover members of the Institutional Review Team organized by the government takeover committee. For this reason, the possibility of returning to the DNI or CIA, which are’parents’ in the Biden administration, or joining a senior position at the State Department or the White House National Security Council (NSC) was discussed.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Park is skeptical of Chairman Kim’s will to denuclearize. In addition to the Singapore-North Korea-US summit, President Trump and President Moon Jae-in have been criticizing the North Korean nuclear negotiations and policies toward North Korea.

On the 22nd, in an article written as a researcher at the Brookings Institute, he criticized “The Moon Jae-in administration is undermining domestic democracy for unachievable promises with North Korea.”

In an article titled’The Long Shadow of North Korea Casting on Korean Democracy’, President Moon made reconciliation with North Korea a top priority for the “unrequited promise of reconciliation between the two Koreas”, and selects the freedom of the people. Pointed out that it is being suppressed.

In addition, the Moon government’s foreign policy is referred to as “top-down, individual-dependent foreign policy”, and the reconsideration of the THAAD (high-altitude missile defense) system and the threat of withdrawal from the GSOMIA (GSOMIA, Korea-Japan Military Information Protection Agreement) are the reliability of Korean policy. Argued that it could lead to questioning.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Park grew up in Queens, New York. After graduating from Colgate University in New York, he received a Ph.D. in American History from Columbia University. Prior to entering public office, he taught American history at Hunter College in Manhattan. From 2003 to 2004, he trained at Yonsei University as a Fulbright program.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Park’s marriage article published in the New York Times in 2011 introduced him as “the daughter of a father who runs a tailor shop in Manhattan with his name as a trade name.” Her husband, an alumni of Colgate University, was Vice President of Global Investment Research, Goldman Sachs, an investment bank at the time of marriage.

The Department of State East Asia Thailand is in charge of Korea, China, Japan, North Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia. Former U.S. Ambassador to Korea Sung Kim is in charge of acting as Assistant Assistant Secretary of the East Asia-Pacific.

Washington = Correspondent Park Hyun-young [email protected]
