Moo-Song Lee, Proposal of Graduation to Labor and Management “I Envy Kim Gura’s Life” (‘Statue Dream’)

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Roh Sa-yeon and Lee Moo-seong reveal the reality of their 28 years of marriage without addition or subtraction.

In SBS’s’Bronze Dream Season 2-You are My Destiny’ (hereinafter’You are My Destiny’), which airs at 10 pm on the 11th, Roh Sa-yeon and Lee Moo-song appear as the first runners in the’Homecoming Special for New Year’ to reveal the good news.

Roh Sa-yeon and Lee Moo-song, who have been loved by showing off the chemistry of a real couple with’one fight per day’, will return in about a year and a half.

For a while, the two quarreled after 3 minutes of their appearance, and a cold atmosphere as if walking on a thin ice plate, and a more intense marital fight than before, surprised everyone.

Even Roh Sa-yeon surprised the studio by revealing that “Husband Lee Moo-song is envious of Kim Gura’s life these days.”

MC Kim Gura is also said to have been unable to hide his embarrassment at the story he heard for the first time, raising questions about what may have happened to the samurai couple.

On this day’s broadcast, two people go on a tour for sale in the studio to save Lee Moo-song’s music studio. Unlike Lee Moo-song, who cannot hide his swelling heart, Roh Sa-yeon found the fatal (?) shortcomings of the property with the eyes of a hawk, and was not happy.

While a tense nerve war was going back and forth between the two, Roh Sa-yeon’s chok radar began to activate. This is because the workrooms Lee Moo-song found had a gas stove as well as a bed, reminiscent of a living space.

As a result, Noh Sa-yeon burst into anguish, saying, “I’m glad you’re coming home?”

The MCs watched them with their breath holding their breath, saying, “The two of us are standing up for a while” and “If you touch them, they will burst.”

In addition, Lee Moo-song surprised everyone by proposing’graduate marriage’ to Roh Sa-yeon for the first time after marriage. They have never been apart from each other for 28 years in their marriage.

Roh Sa-yeon showed regret by asking “Do you really want that?” to Lee Moo-song’s sudden suggestion. In the end, Noh Sa-yeon said, “It’s really the last time,” and she filled with tears, raising questions about the reason. The details of Lee Moo-song’s proposal for’gradual marriage’ can be found in’You are my destiny’, which airs at 10 p.m. on Monday the 11th.

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PhotosㅣSBS broadcasting screen

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
