MONSTA X’s Kihyun side,’confirming facts’ related to suspicion

Monsta X Kihyun / Photo = Seoul Economic Star DB

While group MONSTA X Kihyun was surrounded by suspicion of school violence, its management company Starship Entertainment made its stance.

Starship Entertainment said, “We are contacting the members’ school alumni, acquaintances and teachers around the time, with the idea that we should do our best to check the facts and recognize the seriousness of this issue.” “Since a long time has passed, We ask for your understanding in advance that it takes time to check the issues, and if the publisher permits, I will open the conversation.”

“As a separate matter, the same person distributed the same post online twice in 2015 and 2021. We contacted the publisher to confirm the facts at that time, and as a result, I have confirmed that this is false.”

The agency said, “We tried to take legal action in order to protect the artist, but we were promised to reflect and prevent recurrence in consideration of the various circumstances of the spreader, and left the information on this by hand. In spite of that, we can no longer afford to continue deliberate and repetitive actions, so we intend to hold legal responsibility through every possible action.”

In addition, “We will do our best to protect artist rights and interests by continuing strong follow-up measures through legal response through constant monitoring of malicious slander and indiscreet dissemination of false information in violation of defamation and insults under the Information and Communication Network Act against the artist affiliated with. ”Added.

▲ The following is the full text of the official position of Starship Entertainment


This is Starship Entertainment.

We would like to share our position on the posts and rumors that have recently circulated in the online community about our artist Kihyun.

We are contacting the member’s school alumni, acquaintances and teachers around the time, with the thought that we should recognize the seriousness of this matter and make every effort to verify the facts. Since a long time has passed, we ask for your understanding in advance that it takes time to check various issues, and if the publisher permits, we would like to open the conversation.

Separately, two times in 2015 and 2021, the same person published posts with the same content online. At that time, we contacted the publisher to confirm the facts, and as a result, we have confirmed that the post was false. In order to protect the artist, we tried to take legal action, but we were promised to reflect and prevent recurrence in consideration of the various circumstances of the spreader, and after leaving the details on this by hand. Despite the fact that this is clearly contained in the handwritten text, we can no longer afford to continue deliberate and repetitive actions, and we intend to hold legal responsibility through all possible actions to the end.

In addition, we will do our best to protect artist rights and interests by continuing strong follow-up measures through legal response through constant monitoring of malicious slander and indiscreet dissemination of false facts, which are violations of defamation under the Information and Communication Network Act and insults under the Criminal Act. .

Once again, we would like to express our deep appreciation to the many people who support us and our artists.

Thank you.

/ Intern reporter Han Eun-ki [email protected]

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