Moderate and vaccine effects in South Africa mutation, stock price surge 12%

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Moderate and vaccine effects in South Africa mutation, stock price surge 12%

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Park Hyung-ki |
2021-01-26 06:36 sent | 2021-01-26 06:41 Last modified

Modena Corona 19 vaccine. © Reuters = News 1

Modena’s stock price soared more than 12% as it became known that the US pharmaceutical company Modena’s COVID-19 vaccine is also effective in mutations in South Africa.

Moderna closed at $146.95 on the 25th (local time) on the New York Stock Exchange, up 12.16% from the previous trading day.

Moderna made a statement today and announced that its Corona 19 vaccine is also effective against mutant viruses found in the UK and South Africa.

Modena said, “In preclinical experiments, neutralizing antibodies were produced that could block the mutant virus known to date.” Moderna added that the mutation would be effective against COVID-19 if two doses of its Corona 19 vaccine were given.

However, Modena stressed that it will continue to test whether the vaccine tested will be effective in forming antibodies against COVID-19 as well as other mutations that may come out.

Moderna announced that it will publish the results of clinical trials for the mutant Corona 19 virus from South Africa and the UK on the pre-release site of academic papers,’’.

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