[MK이슈] ‘What do you do if you play?’ One-shot editing

[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

A significant portion of Cho Byeong-gyu, who is suspected of being abusive, has been deleted.

The MBC entertainment program’What are you doing when you play’, broadcast on the 27th, was decorated with ‘2021 Living Together’. On this day’s broadcast, the members who got up after going to bed for a while and took the quiz were spread.

On this day, the quiz was conducted in a way that members memorized the nursery rhyme “Beading Rain” sung by Yoo Jae-seok before going to bed, and then wake up and sing a song.

Each of the members challenged the correct answer, but the appearance of Cho Byeong-gyu was edited. Also, the one shot did not appear, and the comment did not appear on the broadcast as if it was deleted.

Cho Byeong-gyu appeared on the screen, and when taking a group shot or focusing on other people, it was about the appearance of getting caught on the screen from the side. It’s quite different from the appearance of launching Cho Byeong-gyu with a new entertainment blue chip. In the broadcast of last week, performances such as tug-of-war and tail catching were spread.

Cho Byeong-gyu’s disappearance seems to have been a major reason for the fact that Cho’s suspicion of abusing has not been resolved. Recently, an online community reported that he was victim of school violence in New Zealand during his third year in middle school in 2011. The author claimed that he heard an argument from Cho Byeong-gyu, and when he ignored it, he was condemned by the group afterwards. In response, the agency denied the suspicion of abusing and disclosed the confirmation of the original author. In the letter of confirmation, “I posted the above false article for the purpose of slandering Cho, but I am reflecting on it, recognizing that my act violated the law and caused property and mental damage to Cho Byeong-gyu and his company.” .

However, those who were said to have been abused by Cho Byeong-gyu appeared one after another. On the 23rd, Cho Byeong-gyu strongly criticized, “I felt skeptical and disillusioned with the life I had lived for 26 years because of the facts and other arguments and refutations on the Internet.”

He added, “Because we cannot respond to false anonymity reports and malicious writings, we have requested an investigation. Please wait. I will ask you to do so.”

As the controversy over Cho Byeong-gyu was not cleared up, the production team of KBS2’s new entertainment’Comeback Home’ on the 26th said, “We have tried to approach the controversy over MC Cho Byeong-gyu as carefully as possible. Currently, Cho Byeong-gyu is in the process of legal response to a series of controversies.” However, as the legal judgment is delayed than expected, it is judged that it is unreasonable to force the appearance of the performer at the moment when the final formation of the organization must be finalized. I was put on hold of my appearance.”

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Photo| MBC broadcast screen capture

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
