‘Miwoobird’ Sang-Ryeol Sang, Jang-Kwang’s daughter Mija, “Is it me or Kim Tae-hyun?”

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‘Miwoobird’ Sang-Ryeol Sang, Jang-Kwang’s daughter Mija, “Is it me or Kim Tae-hyun?”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Lee Ah-young |
2021-01-17 22:20 sent

Screen capture of SBS’My Ugly Baby’ broadcast © News1

Sang-Ryeol Ji showed interest in Jang-Kwang’s daughter.

On the 17th aired on SBS’My Ugly Little Boy’, Kim Hee-cheol and Sang-ryul Sang went to the house of actors Jang Kwang and Jeon Seong-ae.

When they were trying to eat, Jang Kwang’s daughter Mija went home. Sang-Ryeol Sue looked at Mija with interest, and trembled with Jeon Seong-ae, saying, “I want to have such a mother-in-law.” Jeon Seong-ae and Mi-ja mentioned Sang-ryul Ji’s appearance in the historical drama. Sang-Ryeol Sang-Ryeol immediately showed the performance of the period drama licorice. Mija said, “Kim Gyeong-jin also talks a lot about introducing Ji Sang-ryul and Kim Tae-hyun in the surroundings,” he said. “Is it Kim Tae-hyun or me?” said Sang-Ryeol Si directly.

In response to Kim Hee-cheol’s request to eat rice, Sang-Ryeol Ji said, “It’s not time to eat it now.” She also suddenly said that she was thinking of a wedding invitation, causing laughter. “I don’t know if it’s my thoughts, but my mother seems to be okay,” asked Jang Kwang’s intention. Jang Kwang said, “How can I be forgiven until 10 years?” and worried about the age difference. Mija said, “Haven’t you ever asked me how Lee Seung-hwan was?”
