‘Miwoobird’ Lover Rain “All the dishes Kim Tae-hee cooks are delicious”

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‘Miwoobird’ Lover Rain “All the dishes Kim Tae-hee cooks are delicious”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Lee A-young |
2020-12-27 21:48 sent

Screen capture of SBS’My Ugly Baby’ broadcast © News1

Rain expressed love for his wife, Kim Tae-hee.

Singer Rain appeared as a special MC on SBS”My Ugly Little Boy’, which aired on the 27th.

On this day, Rain said, “I do everything myself. I don’t try to get help in most cases. So I don’t get scolded.” When Shin Dong-yeop said, “I do everything,” Rain said, “That’s natural. I buy my food as much as I will eat. If I ask if no one eats it, I eat only mine and wash the dishes.” However, he said, “It is not allowed to eat only one spoon. That is the rule of our family,” he said firmly. Seo Jang-hoon began conspiring, asking if the children would ask him for it or not. Rain explained, “I have know-how these days. I make a little more.”

Seo Jang-hoon asked what was the most delicious food Kim Tae-hee made. Rain said, “If you give it, you eat it all. What you really did is delicious. You cook well,” he said. Seo Jang-hoon said, “If you cook well, it’s a foul.” Rain said, “(Kim Tae-hee) likes to make good things with the best ingredients.”
