`Mistrot 2` Jin Dal-rae, suspicion of school violence “Storing money is part-time job? Assault + Blackmail”

[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

Suspicion arose that singer Jin Dal-rae, who appeared in’Mistrot 2′, was a school violence perpetrator.

On the 30th, an article titled’School Violence Perpetrators Appear in Mistrot 2’was released in the online community. Author A said, “One of the perpetrators who attacked me 20 years ago appears on’Mistrot 2’with a casual face. I thought I had forgotten for 20 years, but the moment I saw my face, the memories of that time passed. Everything went back to that time.”

He added, “(The perpetrator) hit him saying he wasn’t saying goodbye, and he hit him because he was with his mother and said he was saying hello at 90 degrees, and he said to come within a few minutes, but he hit him because he couldn’t meet the time.”

Mr. A specifically remarked that he started beating his body from one day when the perpetrator who first hit his face swollen and bruised his ears with an unrecognizable shape.

Mr. A said, “I still vividly remember the moment when I was hit by my breastbone and I couldn’t breathe for a moment. I was hitting it, and when someone passed by, I suddenly asked him to dust off his clothes and made his shoulders shake and threatened to laugh. I thought that it was a day before, but after seeing it on the air, I had a dream at that time. I still felt so sorry for myself, living in the trauma, that I woke up from my dreams and was so feverish,” he added.

In addition, Mr. A said, “I heard that I had a part-time job since I was in junior high school when I came out to the’morning yard’. Is it a part-time job that took our money? “I am very upset to seeing people who live hard in them, and I am trembling at the appearance of laughing, dancing and singing on popular programs.”

Mr. A only revealed that he was appearing in the TV Chosun audition program’Mistrot 2’and marked the offender’s name with initials. However, when Mr. A certified his junior high school diploma, the netizens identified the perpetrator as azalea, knowing that it was the same school.

Accordingly, netizens are demanding clarification on Jindalrae’s SNS, but have not yet revealed their position.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
