Ministry of Science and Technology to increase R&D budget for next year by 13% for ‘2050 carbon neutral’

Input 2020.12.30 12:00

A total of 150 billion won for research on eco-friendly hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon capture, and fine dust reduction

Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication Sejong Office./Chosun DB

The Ministry of Science and Technology and Information and Communication has decided to invest a total of 151.1 billion won for next year’s climate and environment research and development (R&D) including hydrogen energy production and storage technology research to realize the ‘2050 carbon neutral promotion strategy’. This year’s budget increased by 12.9%.

The Ministry of Science and ICT announced on the 30th that it will finalize the’implementation plan for next year’s climate and environment R&D project’ and will start the project in earnest.

This month, the government announced the ‘2050 Carbon Neutral Promotion Strategy’ to reduce net carbon emissions to zero by 2050. In order to support the realization of this strategy, the Ministry of Science and ICT expanded the R&D budget for next year to improve energy efficiency, develop hydrogen, renewable energy, and fuel cell technology, and develop carbon capture and conversion technologies.

In order to generate electricity with less carbon consumption, KRW 7.2 billion is supported for the development of energy efficiency improvement technologies such as information and communication technology (ICT), air conditioning system, building energy efficiency system, and integrated energy resource management network (smart grid).

In order to produce and store hydrogen in an environment-friendly manner, 17.4 billion won is invested in the’Hydrogen Energy Innovation Technology Development’ and’Future Hydrogen Source Technology Development’ projects that research technologies such as’low temperature water electrolysis’ and’chemical storage’. It also provides 11.4 billion won for the development of core fuel cell technologies. A total of 34.6 billion won is invested in renewable energy fields such as solar cells and secondary batteries.

It plans to provide more than 46.6 billion won in projects to capture carbon or convert it into useful materials.

2B KRW 22.5 billion is spent to monitor and reduce the concentration of fine dust in the atmosphere by using the air and ocean observation satellite Cheonrian 2B, while strengthening joint research between Korea, China and Japan.

Kim Bong-soo, Director of Basic Source Research Policy at the Ministry of Science and ICT, said, “To achieve the 2050 carbon-neutral goal, we will pursue this project with a sense of speed and actively plan new R&D projects.”
