Ministry of Science and Technology, 2021 blockchain business briefing session held on the 11th

Reporter Jeong In-sun

The Ministry of Science and Technology and Information and Communication, along with the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), the Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA), and the Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Agency (IITP), will be holding a blockchain business integration briefing session in 2021 for those in the field of blockchain industry, academics, and research. It was announced that it will be held online on the 11th.

The Ministry of Science and Technology prepares organizations that are interested in the blockchain business this year, such as △Blockchain Expansion Project △Blockchain Pilot Project △Blockchain Technology Development Project for Data Economy △Blockchain Specialized Enterprise Promotion Project, etc. He said that he had prepared a briefing session so that he could do it. The Ministry of Science and Technology’s blockchain industry budget increased by 18.8 billion won from 34.3 billion won in 2020 to 53.1 billion won in 2021.

Source = Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication
Source = Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication

The Ministry of Science and Technology will first promote diffusion projects in five areas, including △social welfare △voting △new and renewable energy △friendship customer management, and △donation, for the first time in 2021 according to the strategy for spreading blockchain technology announced in June 2020. The Ministry of Science and Technology announced that it has selected areas with high public sentiment and impact based on the achievements of the blockchain public-leading pilot project and private-led public project, which have been implemented every year since 2018.

Starting this year, the blockchain pilot project will be divided into △public and private pilot project and △DID intensive project and △special zone linkage project.

  • Public and Private Leading Pilot Project: Support for 10 new service field tasks that can be expanded into future expansion projects by discovering areas with high blockchain adoption effect.
  • Distributed Identity Verification (DID) intensive business: Support 5 tasks by discovering services that can utilize DID such as objects, data, and contracts.
  • Special zone linkage project: Support four tasks by discovering new services that link and utilize services such as identification, logistics, and payment established in the Busan Blockchain Free Regulatory Zone.

In accordance with the results of the preliminary feasibility study conducted in 2020, the technology development project will carry out nine tasks in four areas necessary for fostering the data economy, such as △high-performance consensus technology △smart contract security △personal information processing and identity management △guaranteed data sovereignty and data management. Support.

For the blockchain technology development project for the data economy, a total budget of 1133 billion won will be invested for five years from this year to 2025.

This briefing will be broadcast live online to prevent the spread of Corona 19. Details can be found on the website of the Korea Internet & Security Agency (proliferation business, pilot business), the Information Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute (technology development business), and the Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency (professional company fostering business).

Business classification Implementing organization (post period Main Content
Diffusion business Korea Internet & Security Agency (January 11 ~ February 25*)
*For donation fields only
  • (Procurement) Social welfare, voting, new and renewable energy, postal customer management
  • (Contest) Donation
Pilot project Korea Internet & Security Agency (January 11-February 23)
  • Leading pilot project (10 tasks)
  • DID intensive project (5 tasks)
  • Special zone linkage project (4 tasks)
Technology development business Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute (January 11-February 1)
  • High-performance consensus technology (4 tasks)
  • Smart contract security technology (1 task)
  • Blockchain technology for personal information processing and identity management (2 tasks)
  • Data sovereignty guarantee blockchain data management technology (2 tasks)
Professional company promotion business Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency (January 11-deadline for announcement*)
*Announcement is scheduled for February
  • Blockchain technology verification support (12 cases)
  • Blockchain technology consulting support (10 cases)

Reports and press releases should be sent to [email protected].
