Ministry of Leisure and Women “Refer to ICJ for the issue of comfort women, actively listen to the opinions of the victims”

Grandmother Lee Yong-soo, a victim of Japanese military comfort women, speaks at a press conference calling for referral to the United Nations International Court of Justice on the comfort women issue of the Japanese military held at the press center on the 16th. yunhap news

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family announced that it would listen to her opinions on the suggestion of Grandma Lee Yong-soo, who would hand over the Japanese military comfort women issue to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for judgment.

On the afternoon of the 16th, the Ministry of Leisure and Home Affairs released materials and said, “I will actively listen to my grandmother’s opinions in order to restore the grandmothers’ dignity and honor in relation to the request of Lee Yong-soo to refer to the ICJ for the comfort women issue.”

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is a judicial body of the United Nations that resolves disputes between states by law.

The grandmother Lee held a press conference at the Seoul Press Center in the morning of the morning and said, “The victims’ grandmothers want to apologize for past acts, acknowledge their responsibility, and provide history education, rather than simply monetary compensation against Japan. “There is,” he urged to file a complaint with the ICJ, saying, “Please let the government reveal the crimes to Japan through international law.”

The grandmother also stressed that “you should not ask for money, you should get full recognition and apology.”

In addition, the Ministry of Leisure and Affairs expressed regret in the thesis by Professor Mark Ramsayer of Harvard University Law School, who claimed that Japanese military comfort women during World War II were voluntary prostitutes through a’prostitution contract’.

“I am very sorry for the recent thesis of a professor at Harvard University and the case of defamation of Japanese military’comfort women’ victims by some media,” he said. “I hope that no further damage to the dignity and honor of the victim will occur.” Revealed.

He added, “We will actively promote systematic research and commemorative projects on victims of Japanese military’comfort women’ in the future.”

Park Minsik reporter

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