‘Ministry of Justice criticism’ Seung-Jun Yoo’I am the only one banned from entering the country… Definite Witch Hunt’

Singer Yoo Seung-jun/Photo = Yoo Seung-jun YouTube capture

Singer Yoo Seung-jun (44, US Steve Seung-jun Yoo) said, “What is my crime?” and expressed resentment once again through her YouTube channel.

On the 9th, Yoo Seung-jun uploaded a video titled’Summary of Yoo Seung-jun fact check’ on his YouTube channel’Seung-Jun Yoo Official’. This is the fourth time that Yoo Seung-joon delivered her position on YouTube.

In the video, Seung-joon Yoo pointed out that “acquisition of citizenship was regarded as evasion of military service, so the government unilaterally intervened without considering the fair judgment of the law or due process.” Is it fair and just what is forbidden?”

At the same time, Yoo Seung-joon said, “If you have committed an act or illegality that is really in violation of the law, you must receive the penalty for your sin.” In particular, the Ministry of Justice should apologize and take responsibility for it.”

Seungjun Yoo also said, “The law should be fair and equal to everyone. For any reason, the conclusions should not change depending on the target.” He pointed out, “Am I a person who committed a crime that deserves deportation. I did not do anything illegal. The choice I made wasn’t illegal. I am a military service exemptor, not a military service evader. What is my sin name?”

Singer Seung-jun Yoo/Photo = African TV screen capture

In addition, Yoo Seung-jun aimed at the Ministry of Justice, saying, “Why are you acting like a sloppy onlooker evading responsibility behind the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Military Manpower Administration after the Ministry of Justice has issued a ban on entry? I would like to ask the minister to say something,” he said. “I can’t be protected by the law. “Isn’t there my human rights?”

In addition, Yoo Seung-joon said, “If you look at the Military Manpower Administration data, the number of people who renounce their nationality and the duty of military service is extinguished every year, on average, reach 3,600 to 4,000 people a year.” There is only one person in the history of Korea who has been banned. This is a definite witch hunt.”

Yoo Seung-jun also said to the fans, “Of course, I had to keep my promise with the fans. I let it down. But there were personal circumstances,” he said. “I never thought that I was cowardly or immoral. It is true that I was heavy and sorry for not keeping my promises with the fans. However, I will gradually explain how this process has changed my mind.”

He continued, “I’m left-wing, right-wing, progressive, conservative, and I don’t know. I don’t want to support a particular party or support a certain politician,” he stressed, “I am a Christian who believes in and follows God. If the direction of any policy is in line with the will of God, and the path is good, right and fair, I will stand on that side. If the words I said are close to the right, it doesn’t matter if they look at the right.” / Reporter Kim Kyung-hoon [email protected]

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