Ministry of Industry, deliberation and confirmation of the 5th basic plan for new and renewable energy

[테크월드=선연수 기자] The government held a new and renewable energy policy council on the 29th and deliberated and confirmed the ‘5th basic plan for the development and use of new and renewable energy technologies (hereinafter referred to as the basic plan for new and renewable energy)’.

The new and renewable energy basic plan is established every 5 years for a period of 10 years or more in accordance with Article 5 of the’New Energy and Renewable Energy Development, Use, and Dissemination Promotion Act’. It is meaningful in presenting the mid- to long-term goals and implementation plans of the field.

First of all, the 5th plan is to ensure consistency between the long-term plans in the energy sector by aligning the 9th basic plan for power supply and demand with the period and target. The new and renewable energy basic plan is scheduled for 2020 to 2034, which is the same as the 9th basic electricity supply and demand plan, but the target of the proportion of new and renewable energy generation in 2034 is also 25.8% (renewable 22.2%, new 3.6%).

Secondly, the contents of the power system, renewable energy demand, and new energy (hydrogen), which were not considered in the existing basic plan for new and renewable energy, were significantly supplemented. As renewable energy is expected to emerge as the main energy source during the 5th plan period, the goal is to systematically prepare for system contributions and market systems at the level of traditional power sources beyond the supply-oriented new and renewable energy policies.

Third, it preemptively suggested the challenges and countermeasures in the new and renewable energy field to move toward carbon neutrality in 2050 beyond the planning period (2020-2034).

The countermeasures presented this time will be used in the process of establishing an’energy carbon neutral strategy’ next year.

Young-joon Joo, head of the Energy Resources Office, who presided over the New and Renewable Energy Policy Council, said, “With the establishment of the 5th Basic Plan for New and Renewable Energy, we will closely support the growth of new and renewable energy as a leading energy source. He said, “We plan to systematically prepare for carbon neutrality in 2050, centered on hydrogen.”

Reporter Seon Yeon-soo [email protected]

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