Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Payment from Iran’s UN ante-freeze fund…helping the release of sailors”

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It is known that the negotiations between South Korea and the United States are almost finished on paying Iran’s backlogged UN contribution to South Korea’s frozen Iranian won.

The government believes that such efforts to resolve Iran’s complaints about frozen funds and continued diplomatic communication have had a positive effect on the release of crew members detained in Iran.

Foreign Ministry officials met with reporters on the 3rd and said, “It’s almost going to be resolved” regarding the issue of Iran’s payment of UN contributions using frozen funds. Only the very technical part needs consultation.”

The official said that the progress of the ante problem “provoked (Iran) to feel our sincerity in resolving the frozen fund problem.” said.

Earlier, Iran requested the South Korean government to pay a share of the won in frozen funds, but there was a concern that sanctions could be imposed if it crosses the US financial network in the process of converting the won into dollars and remittance to the United Nations.

Accordingly, the government has been negotiating with the US so that the contribution is not frozen. It is known that they are considering converting money into dollars in financial markets outside the United States.

Foreign Ministry officials explained that “we are negotiating a way to prevent the remittance of dollars to the United States.”

According to the United Nations, the minimum contribution Iran must pay to maintain the right to vote in the General Assembly as a member of the United Nations is 16.2 million dollars (18 billion won).

It is not large compared to about $7 billion (7.8 trillion won) of Iran’s oil exports, which were frozen in South Korea due to US sanctions against Iran.

In addition to contributions, the government is discussing with the United States on ways to expand humanitarian trade with Iran using frozen funds.

On the other hand, out of the 20 crew members of the Korean Chemie, the number of returnees has not been confirmed.

The Iranian government continues to detain ships for marine pollution investigation, and says that one captain must remain during this period.

An official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained, “Iran is in a position to release all sailors and to release the ships by ending the judicial procedure as soon as possible.”

From the perspective of the shipping company, it may be judged that it is difficult to manage with only one captain, so the government is discussing with the shipping company whether to leave additional sailors. He explained that personnel except the captain can return to Korea at any time afterwards, even if they remain on the ship.

However, it is unclear when the released sailors will return home due to the Corona 19 situation.

In the case of Myanmar sailors, flights are suspended due to a coup in their home country, making it difficult to return to their country.


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