Ministry of Employment-Local governments plan to support 500,000 won for corporate taxi drivers whose income has decreased due to Corona 19

(Table = provided by the Ministry of Employment and Labor)
(Table = provided by the Ministry of Employment and Labor)

[라이센스뉴스 황지원 기자] The Ministry of Employment and Labor (Minister Lee Jae-gap) will start the “Second Emergency Employment Stability Support for General Taxi Driver” project from January 8 with 17 regional governments.

This project is a detailed project (total amount of 40 billion won) of the 「Customized Support Measures for Damage in Response to the Third Corona 19 Spread (‘20.12.29.)」 announced last year. It plans to provide an income stabilization fund of 500,000 won per person to 80,000 people.

Eligible for support is a corporate taxi driver who joined before October 1, 2020 (including October 1) and has continued to work until January 8, 2021, and the income of a corporate driver whose sales decreased during the spread of Corona 19 or his/her income This is a reduced driver.

On the other hand, if a decrease in sales or income is confirmed at the time of the last initial application, it will be paid promptly by reviewing only whether to continue working.

An application can be made by the driver directly to the affiliated taxi corporation, and the taxi corporation collects it and submits it to the local government. However, in the case of a driver whose income has not decreased although the corporate sales amount has not decreased, the application form can be submitted directly to the local government.

On the other hand, in order to receive this second round of support, the application must be rewritten and submitted even if the support fund was received at the time of the previous first application.

The Ministry of Employment and Labor and each local government plan to determine and pay the applicants as quickly as possible through simplification of related administrative procedures, taking into account the purpose of the project to provide income-stabilizing funds to the vulnerable employment affected by the spread of Corona 19.

Minister Lee Jae-gap said, “Support for the vulnerable, whose incomes have declined due to the prolonged corona 19 situation, is urgent.” I hope it will help you.”
