‘Minister’ Byun Chang-heum, the first Ilsung “Announcement of the 25th real estate plan before the New Year’s Day”

[이데일리 김나리 기자] The new Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum announced the announcement of the 25th real estate plan before the Lunar New Year holidays next year. In addition to measures to supply housing in downtown Seoul, it is expected that some deregulation policies will be included.

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum (photo = courtesy of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum said at the inauguration ceremony on the 29th, “We will prepare and announce specific plans to fully supply affordable and high-quality housing in the city center before the Lunar New Year holidays.”

Minister Byeon said, “Today’s housing problem is the result of cumulative and overlapping problems in our society as well as the housing itself.” “Residential policy must comprehensively link transportation, energy, education, care, and jobs to find a solution. I can,” he emphasized.

He also predicted a change in the statistics method of the Korea Real Estate Agency, saying, “We must eliminate unnecessary debates with policies based on objective statistics and data, and seek various solutions through open discussions,” he said.

Minister Byeon also revealed the direction of national land transportation policy. He said, “We need to focus our policy capabilities on preparing concrete action plans that will relieve the anxiety of the housing market early and achieve stable housing for the common people.” In addition, attention should be paid to improving the quality of existing homes.”

Minister Byeon said, “Our housing policy should not be satisfied with the results of the increase in housing supply compared to the past, but should focus on supplying enough housing to live in and affordable housing in the city centre.” “Overcoming the anxiety of the housing market In order to restore the public’s trust, it is necessary to provide customized housing wherever they want and at the desired level at a speed.”

Concerned about the expansion of the supply of new housing in downtown Seoul, he said, “If we effectively utilize subway station areas, semi-industrial areas, and low-rise residential areas, which are developed in downtown Seoul, we can supply sufficient housing in downtown Seoul.” He said, “Here, if city planning and construction regulations are drastically relaxed and a project execution model developed by public developers in cooperation with residents and private entities is applied, inexpensive and high-quality housing can be supplied as much as possible.”

Minister Byeon also emphasized that, along with innovative supply plans, there will be measures to block side effects that may occur during the development process.

He said, “By blocking excessive speculative demand and establishing a system that shares development profits, we will ensure that supply is returned to end-users.” “To eradicate illegal activities that confuse the market, we quickly launched the Real Estate Transaction Analysis Institute. We will cooperate with local governments to strengthen on-site inspection and enforcement.”

In addition, he added, “We will closely take care of the stability of the jeonse market, which directly affects the quality of life of the common people,” and added, “We will continue to implement previously announced supply measures, such as the supply of public rental housing and advance subscription to the third new city.”

It also explained how to solve the problem of local housing. He said, “In large and small cities in the non-metropolitan area, houses and villages that will enjoy a more comfortable residential life than in the metropolitan area should be created.” “The housing that will be supplied in the future is public sale and public rental housing, private sale and private rental housing, and public private housing. This diversified supply will have to enrich the ecosystem of the housing market.”

“The principle that all citizens should not receive excessive benefits or discriminate against special discrimination just because they live in a certain region must be established,” he said. “In the future, we are implementing a package or cross-preservation We will also explore various ways of coexisting with the region where business feasibility is insufficient and the metropolitan area where development profits are generated.”

At the inauguration ceremony that day, an apology for past remarks continued. Minister Byeon said, “I take this opportunity to take this opportunity to apologize once again as I take the reprimands of the people with heavy heart for hurting the hearts of the people because of my unthinking remarks in the past.”

“Site-centered safety management reinforcement plan” was prepared as soon as possible to check and manage site safety from time to time. I will make sure nothing happens again.”
