Min-seok Ahn,’I’m shocking and admirable’ to Kim Beom-soo,’decision to donate half of property’

Beomsu Kim, Chairman of Kakao/Photo = Provided by Kakao

In connection with Kakao Chairman Kim Beom-soo’s decision to give back more than half of his assets over 10 trillion won to society, Democratic Party lawmaker Ahn Min-seok said, “I am shocked and admirable.”

Rep. Ahn said in a post on his Facebook page on the 9th, “Chairman Kim announced that he would donate more than half of his property.” “Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who promised to donate 90% of his property, promised to give back 99% of the stock. “The name of Chairman Kim will rise to the ranks of great entrepreneurs who practiced profit-giving practices like the founder of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook,” he stressed.

At the same time, Rep. Ahn praised “The status of the state looks different in the news of Chairman Kim’s social contribution,” and wrote, “I long for his practice to become a butterfly effect that solves the problem of inequality that even previous regimes have not resolved.”

He also said, “The dedication of an entrepreneur could open a new chapter in Korean entrepreneurship and change a society of inequality.”

In addition, Rep. Ahn said, “A self-made entrepreneur who spent his childhood in poverty while experiencing a single room of eight families,” and said, “As Korea succeeded as an entrepreneur to be proud of, I hope that he will establish himself as an entrepreneur that the people respect in the future.” Continued the evaluation.

Ahn Min-seok, Democratic Party Member/Yonhap News

In addition to this, Congressman Ahn wrote, “I express my gratitude and respect to him again and again,” and said, “I want to dream of a better world than before I was born.”

Earlier, Chairman Kim announced on the 8th that he would return more than half of his assets over 10 trillion won to society. At least 5 trillion won or more will be donated, which is a scale that is difficult to find in personal name.

Chairman Kim said, “We will donate more than half of our assets to solve social problems while we live in the Kakao Warriors New Year message. We are also pursuing a donation pledge so that it can be an official promise.”

At the same time, Chairman Kim explained the reason for the decision to donate, saying, “After last year’s proposal to become a leader in solving social problems on the 10th anniversary of KakaoTalk’s launch, I thought that I should not delay my decision any more.”

Chairman Kim currently owns 24.95% (22.1 million 98 shares) of Kakao. The equity value based on the closing price on the same day amounted to KRW 10.99 trillion. As the stock value alone exceeds 10 trillion won, if other assets are combined, the donation is expected to exceed 5 trillion won.

Chairman Kim started Hangame in 1998 and entered the information technology (IT) industry. After Hangame merged with Naver in 2000, he became the co-representative of NHN, and in 2007 established Iwe Lab, the predecessor of Kakao. Since then, Kakao has grown by releasing Kakao Talk in 2010.

/ Reporter Kim Kyung-hoon [email protected]

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