Mihoyo’wonshin’ 1.5 update’the song of the world under the jade light’ notice

Mihoyo announced on the 16th that the 1.5 update of the open world action RPG’Wonshin’ will be applied on the 28th.

In the 1.5 update’Song of the Earth under the Jade Light’, new characters Yura and fuel economy are added, and the native version of PlayStation 5 is also provided.

The new five-star character’Yura’ is characterized by being able to inflict wide area damage by wielding a sword with the power of the freezing element. You can increase rigidity resistance through elemental combat skills and elemental explosions. ‘Fuel economy’, a four-star character of fire element, had the setting that he devoted his whole life to researching the laws and rules of the Lewall area.

A new episode will also appear, and you can experience it through the quest of Palm, which gives you a glimpse into the history of’Rewall’. Through an invitation event, you can relax with Noel or spend time with the popular bartender Diona of Cattail.

Two new bosses are also added, including the fourth week of bosses, Yata Dragon King of Rock Dragon and Free Ice of Dragon Spine.

Housing functions are also provided. Users can get their own home by using a secular kettle. You can decorate your own space with a variety of styles in the kettle developed by LeWall’s ancestors.

In addition, the amount of pure resin required for subjugation of the territory three times a week will be reduced by half, and the favorability of the characters acquired in Dine Mode will double.

[게임진 임영택기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
