[smartPC사랑=임병선 기자] Microsoft is Xbox Game PassMet in ‘Forza Horizon 4(Forza Horizon 4)’Coming 3month 9Work steam(Steam)Announced that it will be released on. Xbox Game Pass Ultimately Xbox console, PC And Forza on Android mobile(Forza) Racing franchise ‘Forza Horizon 4′Is available to more gamers through the launch of the game distribution platform Steam..
2018Officially released ‘Forza Horizon 4′Is a racing game in which you can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and historical atmosphere that change according to the four seasons with the UK in the background., Currently, the number of monthly users is millions.
Forza Horizon 4Has elements that can be expanded in a variety of ways, giving gamers a rich play experience.. Battle royale ‘Elimineer(The Eliminator) mode‘, To earn additional rewards by taking pictures ‘Horizon Promo(Horizon Promo) mode‘Recently added, including 7Reward is given for solving four random challenges in succession. ‘Super 7 (Super 7) mode‘ Have a back.
Also, Microsoft continues to provide entertainment to gamers through expansion packs and Kapak updates after game launch.. Driving experience on tough roads ‘Fortune island(Fortune Island) Expansion pack‘And you can enjoy the countryside background and vehicle made of Lego ‘Lego speed champions(Lego Speed Champions) Expansion pack‘Will be added.
Also, That can be collected by default in the game 600To further expand your car collection ‘Best of Bond(Best of Bond) Carpack‘, ‘Barrett Jackson(Barret-Jackson) Carpack‘, And coming soon ‘Hot Wills Legend(Hot Wheels Legends) Carpack‘This is the case.
Meanwhile, ‘Forza Horizon 4′Supports cross play Xbox Game Pass Users can not only console, PC And through the cloud, you can enjoy racing with your friends on your Android mobile device.. More detailed game-related information is available on the official website..
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