“Merck·FDA hides hair loss medicine Propecia’extreme selective side effects'”

“Merck·FDA hides hair loss medicine Propecia’extreme selective side effects'”

Revision 2021.02.04 10:36Input 2021.02.04 10:36


[아시아경제 조현의 기자] The US pharmaceutical company Merck (MSD) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appeared to have hidden the side effects of Propecia, a hair loss treatment agent, from 10 years ago, knowing that it could cause extreme options. Propecia is the first pill to be eaten.

On the 3rd (local time), a major foreign press obtained and reported on related lawsuits filed in the Brooklyn Federal Court in New York.

According to the data, Propecia manufacturer Merck has received more than 200 reports of severe depression after taking Propecia since at least 2009. Merck did not follow up on the grounds that there were few and less specific reported cases of severe depression and extreme choices.

Since 2011, the FDA has received reports that more than 700 people have considered extreme options and 100 of them have taken extreme options after taking Propeciana generic drugs, but did not take any action.

Propecia was approved by the FDA in February 1997. Reportedly, the FDA had received 34 reports over 14 years prior to 2011, and 10 of them took the extreme.

However, the FDA has accepted Merck’s claim that’the ratio of extreme choices is less than the natural rate’, and unlike health authorities in Europe and Canada, the relevant warning text has not been mandated.

Regarding the report, Merck stated that “there is no scientific evidence of the correlation between Propecia and extreme choices.”

Reporter Jo Hyun’s [email protected]
