‘Men and women check their underwear in the gym together’ absurd rules of Japanese middle school

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

The online edition of the Yomiuri Shimbun reported on the 23rd that, as a result of an investigation by the Fukuoka Prefecture Bar Association in Japan, it was unreasonable and found to contain content corresponding to human rights violations.

Accordingly, the current bar association is planning to propose a review to the current education committee.

According to the Fukuoka Prefectural Bar Association, there were many rules close to human rights violations, such as checking the color of students’ underwear in a row.

The bar association demanded a request for information disclosure, and explained that it had obtained and investigated each school’s school regulations.

As a result, 83% of the surveyed schools designated the underwear color as a specific color such as white.

There were also 62 places where certain hairstyles were banned, such as’two blocks,’ which cuts the side of the head and leaves the crown.

In the case of male and female students complaining that it is unreasonable, ▲ men and women check underwear together at the gym ▲ The reason why girls have to tie the back hair under their ears is “because a man feels lust after looking at the nape of his neck” ▲ If he violates the rules, he wears underwear to school. ▲ It was a female student, but the male teacher checked the color of his underwear and said that he could not go to school.

In addition, some schools stipulated that white socks must have vertical wrinkles.

In response, the Fukuoka Board of Education said, “We are notifying each school to correct anything that is unreasonable in the school rules,” and said, “If there are any school rules that correspond to human rights violations, we will improve them.”

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
