MEDI:GATE NEWS To increase the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, you need to sleep well

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The Korean Sleep Association published the ‘5 Sleep Guidelines to Enhance Corona Vaccine Effectiveness’ on World Sleep Day in 2021. It is recommended that maintaining a healthy sleep is the best way to improve your immunity.

March 19th is World Sleep Day. World Sleep Day started with the proposal of the World Sleep Society, and is a global campaign to promote the importance of sleep and promote and improve sleep health for people around the world.

In particular, a claim that sleep is important as a factor contributing to the difference in vaccine effectiveness while vaccination is in progress was published in the international journal Lancet. Various types of vaccines have been developed in response to the pandemic within a short period of time, but the difference in effectiveness depends on the right person.

The Sleep Society said, “If you sleep less than 4 hours after getting the vaccine, the vaccine’s effectiveness is lowered due to lower antibody production, and getting a good night’s sleep on the night of the vaccine helps improve your immune function. This effect can help you improve your immune function.” “It was also observed in other vaccinations, such as the flu shot, the H1N1 flu, and the hepatitis A shot.”

The Sleep Society recommended getting a better night’s sleep than usual after getting the vaccine. After getting vaccinated, you should plan to sleep more than usual for the night without having a different schedule. This is because sleeping is not just a rest, but a process that optimizes the body’s homeostasis.

The Sleep Society said, “Insufficient sleep can reduce the immune function, especially if you sleep less than 5 hours a day, the vaccine is less effective and it is fatal to the immune function. If you take a nap after getting the vaccine, you will not fall asleep at night. “Because you can do it, you have to be careful.”

He said, “I wake up at the same time every morning from a week before I get the vaccine. I can’t sleep if I try to sleep well on the day I get the vaccine after having a bad sleep and changing my life day and night.”

The Sleep Society said, “It is good to wake up at a certain time starting at least a week before vaccination. It is good to set a target wake-up time and get bright light for at least 30 minutes as soon as you wake up in the morning. Go out to the sun or use a phototherapy device. You can use it,” he advised.

According to the Sleep Society, it is most important to get enough sleep on a regular basis. In modern society, if we spend our time on’must-do’, sleep can be pushed back to bed due to’what we want to do’. However, 1 hour of sleep swapped for another often leads to reduced work efficiency or fatigue for longer periods of time.

You also need to maintain good sleep quality. The line between work, activity and sleep has been blurred due to Corona 19. It was pointed out the necessity of keeping the behaviors (work, computer, exercise) out of the bedroom awake and setting accurate bedtime and boundaries. In particular, it was recommended to allow a transitional time between waking activity and bedtime before bedtime, allowing extra time to warm up the sleep.

It was also recommended not to go into bed in an upset state. Do not go to bed when you are feeling a lot of upset, take a relaxing break, relax, and go to bed when you start to fall asleep.

Chairman of the Sleep Society said, “Proper sleep time, quality sleep, and regular sleep habits are essential for maintaining good health, and it is essential to increase antibody production after vaccination.” We will continue to work hard,” he said.
