‘Me Too triggered’ Weinstein appealed for “I didn’t get a fair trial”

Harvey Weinstein leaves court in Manhattan

picture explanationHarvey Weinstein leaves court in Manhattan

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Harvey Weinstein, 69, a Hollywood tycoon producer who sparked the’MeToo’ movement around the world due to numerous suspicions of sexual crimes, appealed against the first trial ruling, saying, “I did not get a fair trial.”

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on the 5th (local time), Weinstein’s lawyers filed a 166-page appeal to the New York State Court of Appeals that day.

In an appeal, Judge James Burke of the Manhattan First Instance Court, who sentenced Weinstein in prison for sexual assault and other crimes in March last year, “miserably neglected” the duty to ensure a fair trial, the lawyers said in an appeal against seven issues. Raised.

They pointed out that Judge Burke allowed four women to testify in court about Weinstein’s alleged sex offenses, “just portraying Weinstein as hateful.”

He also argued that the 23-year sentence was imposed on Weinstein, an elderly man in his late 60s, saying that he was sentenced to death, not indefinitely.

“Winestein has not received a fair trial,” said Arthur Aidala. “I am very confident that the Court of Appeals will correct this mistake and return the case to another judge.”

The lawyers also criticized Judge Burke for not accepting the adoption of expert and detective witnesses to testify in favor of Weinstein.

Weinstein crashed when it was revealed in an October 2017 report by the New York Times (NYT) that he had been engaging in inappropriate sexual behaviors against famous actresses as well as female employees of the company for over 30 years.

There were over 80 women who claimed the damage, and among them were famous actresses such as Angelina Jolie, Selma Hayek, and Ashley Judd.

In connection with this suspicion, not only New York but also the Los Angeles (LA) prosecutors have indicted him separately.


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