Me Too in the entertainment industry → Hakpok Shock, the person concerned is distressed. Why?[SS이슈]

Byungkyu Cho, Donghee Kim, Sujin

[스포츠서울 남혜연기자]The entertainment industry is again suffering from exposure shock.

In 2018, Me too (Me too) revealed the reality of many celebrities and went through the procedure of expulsion, and this time, the exposure of school violence continues, adding tension.

Starting with actor Cho Byeong-gyu (25), Kim Dong-hee (22), Park Hye-soo (27), and singers: (female) children Su-jin (23), Jin Hae-seong (31), and Seventeen Min-gyu (24) were on the cutting board one after another.

Since most of these are rising stars or entertainers who are active in various fields such as acting and entertainment, the sighs of related broadcasters and production companies have increased. In the case of entertainers who were previously exposed, they were socially’dismissed’, resulting in learning effects. In addition, the development of SNS will easily provide a forum for disclosure, and the damage is expected to increase in the future.

The problem is that it doesn’t stop there. Regardless of the presence or absence of facts, the moment the celebrity’s name is revealed, the celebrity is branded as a “halk celebrity,” so in a position that has to take many risk factors, we have to naturally exclude them from the casting line. Also, most of them say, “In fact, it is unfounded. He expressed his position as “hard legal response”, but the image was inevitable due to continued exposure.

One broadcast official said, “In the case of’Me Too’ celebrities in the past, there are many middle-aged actors who are prolific, so many movies and dramas edited or canceled casting. In this case, most of the Hakpok is a rising star in their twenties, and the damage is also great.” “In the multi-channel era, there are many contents for young people, so not only web dramas, but all the people involved in dramas and entertainment are tense. In addition, in the case of some affiliates, it is enough to prepare provisions related to school abuse before the meeting.”

Park Hye-soo Kim So-hye

In fact, in the case of Cho Byeong-gyu, he repeatedly said, “It is not related to the school bomb. In the midst of revealing his position, “What do you do if you play?” broadcasted on the 20th of MBC’s entertainment show on the 20th, there was a lot of controversy over his appearance. Along with this, the recording of KBS2’s new entertainment’Comeback Home’ was also postponed.

One entertainment program PD said, “First of all, the truth of the performers is the top priority, but sometimes it turned out to be false. Therefore, there is no choice but to be careful and broadcast. He couldn’t hide his bitterness, saying, “Exporting the controversial celebrity broadcasts itself is a big burden for broadcasters,” he said. “As the recent controversy over school violence has risen, we are also struggling to find an unrelated age group.”

Naturally, the role and burden of management also increased. In the process of recruiting new recruits or renewing contracts, we are looking into the past school days. Once the revelation began, swift official position and active celebrity protection became another criterion for celebrities to choose a company. In the case of a celebrity who escaped the crisis due to the recent controversy but the agency’s quick actions, it is a joke that he said, “I will make a lifelong contract with the company.”

A manager official said, “We take the lead in protecting artists first, but these days, reputation and home environment have become mandatory checks when signing a contract. Therefore, for the younger graders who dream of becoming celebrities at all, not leaving photos, thorough management, or homeschooling may emerge as an alternative.”

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