McConnell says “Trump triggers congressional violence”

Republican Senate leader Trump accuses

Interest is focused on whether to approve the Senate impeachment trial

Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate Representative. /EPA Yonhap News

Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell accused US President Donald Trump of invading Congress. As he turns around, holding the key to passing the Senate’s impeachment bill, attention is paid to what will happen.

According to the New York Times (NYT) on the 19th (local time), the president of McConnell said, “The mob was infused with lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.” “They tried to mobilize violence and fear to stop certain legislative procedures they did not like.”

It was aimed at the congressional invasion on the 6th, and made it clear that President Trump is responsible for the intrusion by the Republican leader in the congress. Due to the invasion of the parliament, the Senate and House of Representatives suspended the procedure for determining the victory for President-elect Joe Biden, and then convened a meeting again the same evening to complete the procedure.

“But we pushed ahead and stood together and said that the angry mob couldn’t get a veto over the rule of law,” said McConnell. It is noteworthy that his remarks came ahead of the Senate’s judgment on impeachment of President Trump. It is also a remark that came out one day after Trump’s retirement.

Congressman McConnell will soon hand over the seat of the majority leader to the Democratic Senate Chuck Schumer. The Senate seats are divided into 50 seats by the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, and if Vice President-elect Kamala Harris takes office, the Democratic Party is the Senate majority because it can also serve as the Senate chairman and exercise a casting boat.
/New York = Correspondent Kim Young-pil [email protected]

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