‘MB·Park Geun-hye amnesty’ 48.0% in favor vs. 47.7% in opposition [리얼미터]

Former President Lee Myung-bak and Former President Park Geun-hye [연합뉴스]

Former President Lee Myung-bak and Former President Park Geun-hye [연합뉴스]

On the 6th, the results of an opinion poll came out on the 6th that the pros and cons of former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye’s pardon are tightly mixed.

As a result of an investigation by Real Meter’s proposal for a pardon by Lee Nak-yeon, the former president of the Democratic Party, at the request of “Omy News,” 47.7% of respondents answered “Agrees” (27.5% agrees very much, 20.2% agrees), and disagrees. ‘48.0% (35.6% very disagree, 12.4% disagree). ‘I don’t know’ was 4.3%.

The higher the age group, the more they favored the former president’s pardon. Many of the elderly, including those in their 60s (68.1% vs 28.8%) and over 70 (68.1% vs 29.5%), agreed. In their 40s (31.5% vs 63.7%), 30s (35.9% vs 59.1%), and 20s (42.4% vs 51.6%), opposition was more common. Those in their 50s were similar with 48.2% in favor and 48.0% against.

By the party they supported, 88.8% of the respondents of the Democratic Party were overwhelmingly opposed to the pardon, while 81.4% of the people supported the power of the people.

By ideological orientation, the pros and cons were sharply divided, the conservatives favored (67.5%) and the liberal had the opposite (75.1%), while the middle class had favors (51.0%) and dissent (43.5%) within the margin of error.

Photo real meter

Photo real meter

Responses by region also appeared similar to ideological orientation. In Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam (66.6% in favor vs 29.4% in opposition), Daejeon, Sejong, Chungcheong (58.3% vs 37.4%), and Daegu and Gyeongbuk (56.8% vs 31.3%), where conservative tendencies were strong, more than half of the votes in favor. On the other hand, opposition prevailed in Gwangju and Jeolla (19.3% vs 76.6%) and Incheon and Gyeonggi (39.6% vs 57.1%), where progressive tendencies were strong. Seoul was divided into 49.0% in favor and 47.6% in opposition.

On the 5th, the survey reached 7420 people over the age of 18 in the country, and a final 500 responded, showing a response rate of 6.7% (two callbacks to non-received survey subjects for the purpose of improving the response rate), and wireless (80%) and wireline (20 %) Random dialing (RDD) through a randomly generated sampling frame. Statistical correction was performed by weighting by gender, age group, and region based on the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s resident registration demographics at the end of October 2020, and the sample error is ±4.4% point at the 95% confidence level.

Reporter Bae Jae-seong [email protected]
