Marvin Park Real’s first selection of Korean descent New future

'Korean' Marvin Park, Real's first selection'big success'...

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Marvin Park, a Korean player, was well received.

Marvin Park of Real Madrid took the opportunity to start his career in the 2020/21 season against Getafe in the first round of La Liga on the 10th (Korean time).

Initially, Real Madrid made a list of 17 players by calling up Marvin Park and many other youth team players in the game because of many injuries such as Sergio Ramos, Tony Kroos, and Federico Valverde.

Marvin Park is a mixed race player born to a Nigerian father and a Korean mother. Born in Spain, he is a triple nationality with three nationalities: Nigeria, Spain and South Korea.

Marvin Park started his career at the England lower league Trenmere Rovers Youth Academy in 2011, went through several Spanish youth teams, and joined the Real Madrid youth team in the summer of 2016.

Ahead of the 2020/21 season, Marvin Park started calling-up to the first team at the age of 20, and was replaced in the 70th minute of the away game against Real Sociedad in the second round of the league, and La Liga made his debut.

Marvin Park, who is mainly active as a winger, took on the role of Real’s right wingback, which was selected as a back-3 on this day.

Several players were injured, and on that day, coach Zinedine Zidane came out with a hundred three as a self-restraint, and made a choice to set up Perlan Mendi, who is originally a left and right fullback, as the right stopper of the three hundred.

Marvin Park assisted Mendi’s defensive support while taking responsibility for Real’s right-hand attack with a bold right flank and a cross.

Marvin Park, who faced Getafe’s fast winger Marc Cucurella, was not a professional defender and allowed him to break through often, but a good defense in the forward pressure worked.

Marvin Park, who played an active part for 55 minutes, has 56 touches, 83% pass accuracy, 2 dribbling successes, and 6 out of 7 ball competitions. Clearing 2 times, 2 times tackle success, and 1 time intercept, stable airborne Showed off his performance.

After the fight against Getafe, the Spanish media’El Mundo’ praised Marvin Park as’the player who showed the best performance in the whole’ and that’Marvin Park is the future of Real’.

Meanwhile, Marvin Park left the stadium after being replaced by Sergio Arivas in the 55th minute. After the match, Marvin Park was reportedly replaced due to minor injuries.

'Korean' Marvin Park, Real's first selection'big success'...

[email protected] / Photo = Real Madrid SNS

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