Marketing and management consulting is the number one core competency in the future that lawyers pick

Employment Information Service, survey of 212 lawyers and law school students
“Expanding the market through social change and increasing pet disputes”
‘Legal knowledge’ ranks 8th in future core competencies

On the 15th, the Korean Women's Lawyers Association made a statement and expressed regret that a juvenile judge in the metropolitan court contributed a column'fetish' to the media that seemed to evaluate the appearance of a minor defendant.  Photos are not related to the article.  /Photo = Getty Image Bank

On the 15th, the Korean Women’s Lawyers Association made a statement and expressed regret that a juvenile judge in the metropolitan court contributed a column’fetish’ to the media that seemed to evaluate the appearance of a minor defendant. Photos are not related to the article. /Photo = Getty Image Bank

It was found that the core competency in the future legal market that lawyers and law school students think is’marketing and management consulting competency’. Also, about half of them predicted that within five years the legal market would be larger than it is now.

On the 21st, the Korea Employment Information Service released the results of a survey containing these details. This is the result of a survey on’the future of the legal market’ to 212 people, including 141 lawyers and 71 law graduate students from September to October last year.

More than half (50.5%) of lawyers and prospective lawyers expected the legal market to grow in the future. As the factor that has the greatest influence on the changes in the legal market, the number of attorneys increased the most. This was followed by’expanding the new legal service market’,’increased demand for legal services’, and’expanding the area of ​​legal services’.

“The reason why respondents believe that the legal market will expand in the future is due to changes in individual-centered values, increasing disputes related to companion animals, and changes in industrial structure such as overseas law firms entering Korea or disputes on intellectual property rights,” said Park Ga-yeol, a research fellow at the Employment Information Service, who conducted the research It was investigated,” he explained.

What stands out is the future core competency picked by lawyers and prospective lawyers. As a result of the survey, the core competency required of lawyers within the next 10 years was’Marketing and Management Consulting Ability’. It was followed by’technology utilization ability’,’differentiation ability’ and’data analysis/utilization ability’. ‘Legal knowledge’ finished in 8th place. This is the result of utilizing the technique of’Borichi demand analysis’ which derives education priorities through’importance’ and’the difference between future and current performance level’.

Research Fellow Park said, “It is analyzed that field-oriented, specialized curriculum and re-education, etc. are needed to reflect changes in society and technology and to provide in-depth legal services in various fields of employment.”

Reporter Baek Seung-hyun [email protected]

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