Major investment banks raise Korea’s growth rate to 34 in the new year… 28 in 2022

0.1% point higher than before… Growth rate in 2020 remains -1.1%

Major investment banks raise Korea's growth rate to 3.4% in the new year...  2.8% in 2022

Major overseas investment banks (IBs) have slightly raised their forecasts for the growth rate of Korea’s real gross domestic product (GDP) this year.

According to the International Finance Center on the 7th, as of the end of December last year, 9 overseas IBs such as Barclays, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BoA-ML), Citi, Credit Switzerland, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, HSBC, Nomura, UBS, etc. The real GDP growth rate of is 3.4%.

This is a 0.1 percentage point higher than the forecast a month ago.

Seven out of nine IBs maintained their previous growth rate forecast, and two held up.

Credit Suisse increased its forecast from 2.9% to 3.6%, and HSBC raised its forecast from 2.2% to 2.7%.

Barclays (3.2%), BoA-ML (3.4%), Citi (3.0%), Goldman Sachs (3.6%), JP Morgan (3.5%), Nomura (3.6%), and UBS (4.1%) remain the same. Presented.

These nine IBs maintained a growth rate of -1.1% last year.

In December of last year, the Korean government changed Korea’s 2020 economic growth rate from -1.1% to’-1%’.

In the end, it did not present a specific number, but it can be seen that it has opened the possibility of a lower actual growth rate.

The growth rate forecast for 2022 presented by nine major IBs is an average of 2.8%.

UBS posted the highest 3.8%, and JP Morgan (+3.5%) and Citi (+3.4%) also predicted that Korea will record a growth rate of over 3% in 2022.

Barclays (2.7%), Goldman Sachs (2.5%), HSBC, Nomura (more than +2.0%) followed.

BoA-ML and Credit Suisse did not disclose figures separately.

Meanwhile, these IBs maintained the global economic growth rate of 5.7% this year.

In 2020, it was slightly increased from -3.8% to -3.7%, and it is expected to be 4.2% in 2022.

By country, the US is expected to grow 4.4% this year, the Eurozone 4.8%, China 8.4%, and Japan 3%.

/yunhap news
