Maekyung’s Knowledge of the World (Mae-Se-Ji, January 15th)

Maekyung’s Knowledge of the World (Mae-Se-Ji, January 15th)

Maekyung's Knowledge of the World (Mae-Se-Ji, January 15th)

1. Former President Park Geun-hye, who was handed over to trial on charges such as repayment of special activity expenses of the National Intelligence Service and the National Intelligence Service, was finally finalized for 20 years in prison. It has been 4 years and 3 months since the Gukjeong Nongdan incident was triggered by the public report on the tablet PC of Choi Seo-won in October 2016, and 3 years and 9 months after former President Park was arrested in April 2017. Former President Park became the fourth former presidential decree after former Presidents Chun Doo-hwan, Roh Tae-woo and Lee Myung-bak.

2. In the social distancing guidelines that will be applied from the 18th, the ban on business of indoor sports facilities such as gyms is expected to be partially eased. However, it is observed that the 2.5 steps currently in effect, such as banning groups of more than 5 people and banning business after 9 pm, are likely to be extended for the time being. The government plans to finalize a social distancing adjustment plan at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting on the 16th.

3. According to the financial industry on the 14th, if self-employed people close their business, they often have to pay off their loans at one time even if the loans in the financial sector are due. Ahead of the enforcement of the Financial Consumer Protection Act in March, there is no clear guideline for fund sales, leading to a growing confusion in the banking sector. It is pointed out that both consumers and businesses are being bruised by government policies that only loud relief without details.

4. Listed companies on the securities market with assets of KRW 2 trillion or more must disclose the’Sustainability Report’ including eco-friendly and social responsibility activities from 2025. From 2030, it will be applied to all KOSPI listed companies. In the case of the’Corporate Governance Report’, all KOSPI listed companies must be disclosed from 2026. ESG (Environmental, Responsible, Transparent Management), a non-financial performance indicator, establishes itself as a key indicator for evaluating corporate value.

5. The House’s impeachment bill against US President Donald Trump was decided on the afternoon of the 13th (local time). In 244, in the history of the United States, the incumbent president was impeached from the House of Representatives and went to a Senate vote for three times, and there has been no actual withdrawal. Of these, President Trump faced the dishonor of being included twice. The impeachment bill was resolved in the House of Representatives, but the impeachment was completed only after a two-thirds approval of the Senate.

6. Corona 19 mutant virus and other mutant virus from the UK and South Africa were found in the United States. “Corona 19 won’t go away,” said CNBC, “Corona 19 won’t go away,” said CNBC, following the outbreak of the mutant virus.

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
