Macron also shoots AstraZeneca efficacy… EU-UK neurological warfare

Macron “It’s not useful for people over 65 years old… British vaccination interval expanded, mutation spread”

British “uncommon sense, false” strong backlash… ‘Post Brexit’ intensifying vaccine conflict

[연합뉴스 자료사진]  French President Emmanuel Macron
[연합뉴스 자료사진] French President Emmanuel Macron

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Shin Yuri = French President Emmanuel Macron raised a question mark on the effectiveness of a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine from British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, which ignited a nerve war between the European Union and the UK.

According to the AFP news agency, President Macron said in a meeting with reporters on the 29th (local time) that the AstraZeneca vaccine is less effective in people over the age of 65.

“I think it’s invalid for people over the age of 65,” he said. “In relation to AstraZeneca, the initial result we secured is that we don’t recommend it to people aged 60 to 65.”

The remarks came a few hours before the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended conditional marketing approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

It is reported that France will announce the approval of its own health authorities early next week.

President Macron continued his sniping remarks on Britain’s vaccination policy.

Earlier, the UK extended the interval between first and second doses to a maximum of 12 weeks, citing the need to spread the vaccine quickly.

President Macron said, “Scientists explain that the mutant virus spreads in that one vaccination is less immune and the virus adapts.” It is a lie to say that the first vaccination was given and’vaccinated.’ Insisted.

The British side immediately protested.

British political and scientific circles have blamed President Macron’s remarks as “unusual” and “false”, the British Daily Telegraph reported today.

As a result, the vaccination nerve war between the EU and the UK seemed to subside for a while, and then reignited.

Earlier, the EU pulled out a pressure card saying’it will block the export of vaccines produced in Europe to the UK’ as AstraZeneca’s supply cuts combined with the lack of vaccines in member countries.

AstraZeneca has vaccine production facilities in Belgium and other countries in addition to the UK, and it was accepted as a kind of pretense to prevent the product from leaving the EU.

Then, after being criticized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “vaccine nationalism,” it withdrew this position on the 29th, and vaccine exports from Ireland to the UK have been normalized.

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