Mabo, a meditation application, partnered with Kyobo Life Insurance’s’Kare’ for popular content

Mabo, a mindfulness meditation application, is working to take care of your mind with Kyobo Life.

Mabo provides a total of 14 popular meditation contents to the mental care service of’Kare’, a healthcare app for customers of Kyobo Life.

In addition to the existing health promotion, health prediction, and health guarantee, the Kare app, which Kyobo Life has renewed at the end of last year to overcome Corona Blue, has newly added mental care services such as’Health of Mind’,’Smile’, and’Color Therapy’. As an exclusive partner of Kare app’s mental health content, a total of 14 Mabo’s original meditation content is provided, and any customer who uses the Kyobo Life Kare app can use the content for free until February 3, next year.

Mabo’s meditation contents introduced through the Kare app are ▲ short body scans of about 8 minutes to help you sleep and heal, ▲’Short lovingkindness meditation anytime, anywhere’ for happiness and self-esteem, ▲ useful for reducing tension and relaxing ‘Breathing meditation’, ▲’Practice to focus on repeated words’ to help concentration, ▲’Corona 19 meditation to increase the immunity of the mind’ for those who are tired of Corona 19,’For those who work or study at home Mindfulness Walk’ ▲ Q&A-type meditation that introduces the wisdom of the mind to escape from compulsion, ▲ Meditation with music by meditation music artist Indigo Hertz, and other various meditation contents. In particular, it curates the best content that is consistently loved by Mabo users, allowing people who are unfamiliar with mindfulness meditation to naturally experience meditation in their daily lives.

Reporter Kang Bo-ra [email protected]

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