Mabinogi makes real-time checks possible by fixing customer center operations

▲ The meeting with Mabinogi users started at 2 pm on the 13th (Photo: Live broadcast of the meeting)

A user conference was held with unlimited discussions for Mabinogi, which is followed by a bus demonstration following the truck. The start of this conference, attended by 4 Nexon Mabinogi officials and 5 user representatives, was a point of customer response and improvement measures.

The Mabinogi’Millesian Conference’ started at 2 pm on the 13th and continued beyond 9 pm. A total of 4 Nexon Mabinogi officials, including five user representatives, director Min Kyung-hoon, content team leader Kim Hyung-seon, technology team leader Choi Tae-hwan, and GM team leader Lee Gyeong-seon, attended this conference, and can be viewed online through Mabinogi’s official YouTube channel.

▲ Director Mabinogi Min Gyeong-hoon (Photo: Live broadcast of the round-table conference)
▲ 5 members of the Mabinogi user delegation (Photo: Live broadcast of the round-table conference)

First, Director Mabinogi Min Gyeong-hoon apologized for the issue that has recently become an issue, and introduced some of the improvement requirements from a survey conducted with users over the past two weeks that can be applied in the near future. The first thing that was mentioned was the creation of a pleasant play environment by reducing server lag, and then he said that he would reorganize the supply/consumption structure of goods by removing bank deposit fees and increasing dungeon compensation. Lastly, he announced that he would adjust the talent balance.

Next, a question-and-answer session was followed on the requirements announced by users through a statement. The first requirement of this statement was clarification and improvement of the customer center operation behavior to date, which did not satisfy users. In response, Director Min said, “We will add a system that allows users to monitor the progress of inquiries in real time.” I will shorten it.”

▲ The first item discussed was about customer response (Photo: Live broadcast of the round-table conference)

The next agenda was on improving the paid item inspection process. The user side announced the improvement of the process even after the issue of the memorial box error in the past, but pointed out that it did not work properly at the time of last year’s Kemono Friends collaboration, and asked for an explanation. Director Min said, “(Memorial box error) was a problem related to probability and component data. At the time, there were process improvements such as additional inspection and real-time monitoring, and there were no more problems in this area.” “(Last year’s Kemono Friends collaboration) was caused by the mistake of numerical confusion by the person in charge, and we will prevent recurrence by adding a team inspection and an additional inspection in charge.”
