“Lotto is the best OO dream” When I heard the reviews of the 1st prize winner

In order to increase the possibility of a certain amount of money, experienced people agreed that a cow, a pig, or an ancestor should appear in a dream.

According to the Lottery Committee of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the companion lottery on the 12th, 73 (27%) out of a total of 271 winners of the first lottery in the first half of last year selected’animal (cow or pig) dream’ as their best dream. ‘Ancestors’ dreams’ ranked second with 23%, followed by’water and fire related dreams’ at 14%, and’body related dreams’ and’president related dreams’ at 9% respectively.

42% of the first prize winners answered that they will buy houses and real estate as the winnings. Next,’repayment of loans’ (22%),’use as business funds’ (13%),’deposit registration, stock investment, etc.’ (8%),’others’ (8%),’to help parents and neighboring families’ It was in the order of'(6%).

Thirty percent of the first-place winners said they purchased the lotto’because of a huge amount of money’. 27% said they bought it for’for fun and imagination’, and 16% bought it because they had a good dream.

The common habit of the first prize winners was to steadily purchase lotto over a long period of time. On average, 65% of the respondents bought the lottery ticket more than once a week, and 29% of the respondents said that the purchase period of the lottery ticket was over 10 years.

Fifty percent answered that they’will inform their husband or wife’ of the winning, and 27% answered that they will not inform anyone. The average winnings of the first-place winner was 2.1 billion won (before tax). The highest winnings were 3.5 billion won, and the lowest was 900 million won.

Among the first place, the oldest was 90, and the youngest was 21.

[이용건 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
