‘Lotte 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place’ Lucky Guy, Gilmong Revealed… Eye contact with ‘700 million blown’ unfortunate people (‘Icon Tact’)[종합]

[마이데일리 = 박윤진 기자] Lotto lucky guy and bad luck met.

On the’Icon Tact’, the comprehensive programming channel broadcast on the 27th, the’Man of Luck’ appeared, which is said to have won the 1st and 2nd prizes as well as the 3rd place from time to time.

The probability of winning the lottery 1st place is 1 in 84,000,000, and the lucky guy who appeared on this day was “(then the 1st prize money) was 1.4 billion. I took out my laptop and looked up the Internet, so I got 6 numbers at a glance.” Certified.

“I was playing with my friends in the water and playing with my friends in the stream, and my (returned) father was sitting on one side of the stream and bleeding a lot of red nosebleeds,” said “(Father) trying to stop a nosebleed, so’don’t stop it. He said, “There seems to be something related, so I bought a lottery and I won first place.”

Then, “After about 3 months, it became 2nd place, and after that, in the case of 3rd place, I often won,” and surprised the MCs. Accordingly, 3MC provoked laughter with a mindless appearance by receiving a dream story like a’Gilmong Comprehensive Gift Set’ in which’water, ancestors, and blood’ appeared.

An unfortunate man appeared as the lucky guy’s eye contact. Bad luck said, “I have been wondering if there are other people in the world who have no luck like me. I lost all of my fortunes that I had accumulated so far because I bought a lottery. I’ve never been beaten,” he said, showing the lotto paper I bought for 18 years.

He said, “I’ve been in the laundry for 18 years, and I sweat a lot and get rid of the dust, so I felt like I wasn’t compensated for even if I worked hard. The lotto came out just as well and I was missing what I bought to help my family live, so I have been like this. Because of my life, my relationship with my family has not improved a lot.. Even though my son is at home, I try not to meet face to face with me and live without conversation. I think it will be.”

The unfortunate man who met the lucky man asked for a handshake, saying, “I want to receive a good cheer.” At the end, I asked for a pair of shoes.

However, the lucky man who heard the story of the unfortunate said, “I won first place for 5,000 won. The teacher seems to have bought too much. I received a great blessing and became number one, but it is the reality that there is no one around me.” Instead of giving her gloves, she suggested, “For a month, buy a gift for your family with money to buy a lottery ticket, and be happy.”

The unfortunate man immediately accepted the lucky man’s offer and held the glove in his hand.

[사진 = 채널A 방송 화면]
