‘Lord Moo-hyun’s blasphemy’ BJ Park Ho-du “Blinded at 1 million won…I will donate”

A video of the late President Roh Moo-hyun, created by the extreme right-minded community Daily Best. [사진=온라인 커뮤니티]

During a live broadcast, African TV BJ Park Ho-du, who sent an Ilbe video that blasphemed the late President Roh Moo-hyun, admitted and apologized.

Park Ho-doo apologized to his YouTube channel community at the dawn of the 23rd, saying, “Today I was blinded by 1 million won, so I had a short thought.”

Then, “I will donate the 1 million won sponsored to the needy neighbors,” he said, “I’m sorry for raising water,” he bowed his head.

Park Ho-doo received a support fund of 1 million won from a viewer who is estimated to be Ilbe while conducting a live broadcast related to bitcoin early this morning.

[사진=아프리카TV 방송 캡처]

This viewer asked, “If you shoot 1 million won, just play the full version of the’Noiyu’ video for 3 minutes,” Park Ho-du said, “If you are uncomfortable, please leave for a while,” and then broadcast a 3-minute video as requested.

Produced in the Community ‘ilbe (Best day) of the right-wing tendencies’ no reason’ image is a composite image the song ‘Good Day’ and the source of the image of President Roh Moo-hyun and singer IU. This is a video where the controversy of contempt of the deceased was raised by rewriting the lyrics with content that depreciates the late President Roh, such as “Shall we just stop pretending to be dead” and “Buried deeply so as not to be caught in front of the rice paddy”

Netizens are pouring criticisms such as “the sender and the strong one, both one body”, “to be deceived by 1 million won”, “it’s been a 4 year viewer, but honestly, this time is over”, and “isn’t that the lion’s honor.”

According to Article 308 of the Criminal Code, a person who defames a lion by unscrupulously stating false facts may be punished by imprisonment for up to two years, imprisonment, or a fine of up to 5 million won.

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