‘Looky liquid’ from the lungs of a 17m whale that came dead on the beach

A long bearded whale found dead after being pushed on an Israeli beach

picture explanationA long bearded whale found dead after being pushed on an Israeli beach

The local media reported on the 22nd (local time) that a black liquid was found in the lungs of a 17m long bearded whale that was found dead on the 19th of the Mediterranean coast of Israel.

The Israel Nature Parks Authority (INPA) said it found black fluid in the lungs after an autopsy of the dead whale.

A 17m long bearded whale that died after being pushed by the Mediterranean Sea in Israel

picture explanationA 17m long bearded whale that died after being pushed by the Mediterranean Sea in Israel

“It’s unclear if this has anything to do with the death of this liquid, whales and oil spills in the vicinity,” said INPA’s chief veterinarian, Ronnie King.

Sea turtle appears to have died in an oil spill

picture explanationSea turtle appears to have died in an oil spill

A large oil spill has recently been seen in the waters near the beach where dead whales were found.

An oil spill contaminated a 160km section of Israel’s Mediterranean coast between Gaza and Lebanon in Palestine.

Sea turtles and other animals have been discovered one after another while sea and coastal tars have hit the sea.

Black chunks of oil hit the Mediterranean side of Israel, where oil spills occurred

picture explanationBlack chunks of oil hit the Mediterranean side of Israel, where oil spills occurred

Inhalation of oil spilled by whales or dolphins can affect lung as well as immune and reproductive functions.

INPA defined the oil spill as the worst oil pollution incident in Israel.

The Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection said that the first oil spill was witnessed at sea 50 kg from the beach a week ago, and it is investigating 10 ships nearby.


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