Looking into rental income and establishing an organization dedicated to illegal response

[국토부 업무 보고]

Higher real estate regulation threshold

‘Microscopic investigation’ of real estate sales following the operation of the rent to cheonsei system

Controversy over unconstitutionality,’land owner cash settlement’, enforced without revision

The introduction of the’GTX-D route’ in the western part of the metropolitan area, outlined in June

On the 16th, a poster condemning the government’s real estate policy is posted on a bulletin board at a real estate agency in downtown Seoul. / Reporter Sung Hyung-ju

Looking at the contents of this year’s business report released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the main point is that the previously announced supply expansion policy will be implemented without a hitch. As part of this, it plans to speed up the supply of 1.27 million households in the metropolitan area. However, it reaffirmed its policy of continuing a regulatory-oriented real estate policy. In detail, although the side effects of the lease law are in progress, the rent to cheonsei system will be implemented in earnest from June. In addition, a dedicated organization to block illegal real estate activities is also planned to be established in the first half of the year. It was decided to enforce the liquidation of land owners’ cash in public development projects, which have been controversial over the second and fourth supply measures, without revision.

Seo Jin-hyung, professor of business administration at Kyungin Women’s University (Chairman of the Korea Real Estate Association) said, “The rent report system and the reinforcement of illegal activities are recognized as strengthening the government’s control in the market rather than setting up the tax definition right away.” As the reason for the failure to bring about stabilization is such a control-oriented policy, the government and the market are expected to continue fighting this year.”

◇ Rental income will be revealed from June… ‘Microscope’ investigation for trading transactions = Looking at the main business plans announced on the 16th by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the rent to cheonsei system will be implemented in earnest from June. When the rent to cheonsei report system is implemented, the parties to the lease contract or the authorized brokerage must report the main details related to the contract to the local government within 30 days of the transaction. Accordingly, it is expected that the income of rental income earners, which has not been identified so far, will be clearly revealed. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is planning to select some regions and conduct a pilot operation in April prior to full implementation. An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport explained, “It has not been decided which region will be selected as a pilot region,” and said, “We plan to focus on renewal of existing contracts and price changes of new contracts.

Investigations on real estate transactions are also greatly strengthened. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is planning to establish a regular organization dedicated to countering illegal activities in the first half of the year, which has strengthened the functions of the currently operating real estate illegal activities response team. The published price also rises significantly. The government is planning to increase the public price this year in line with the real estate public price realization plan announced in November last year. According to the government’s draft, the realization rate of apartment houses with more than 1.5 billion won rises from 75.3% last year to 78.3% this year. In addition, apartment houses with 900 million to 1.5 billion won will increase from 69.2% last year to 72.2% this year, and apartment houses less than 900 million won from 68.1% last year to 68.7% this year.

◇ Supply 1.27 million households in the metropolitan area… GTX-D route map in earnest = The government is planning to implement the supply plan for 1.27 million households in the metropolitan area announced in the last 2·4 supply measures, etc. within this year. To this end, it plans to finalize the public housing district plan for 240,000 households in the metropolitan area this year, and to designate and announce 250,000 new housing sites. In this regard, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byeon Chang-heum said, “At present, 20 sites have been confirmed and are in discussions with local governments.” “We will announce it two or three times as soon as it is confirmed.”

It was decided not to supplement the policy on cash liquidation of public development, which was controversial at the time of the 2nd and 4th supply measures. First Vice Minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Yoon Seong-won explained, “There is no legal problem with the expropriation of land for public interest purposes,” and “consistent with the party compensation guaranteed by the Constitution and concluded that there is no need for policy supplementation.” Changes. In addition to the current income standard, an additional asset standard will be given to the newlyweds and the first special supply of private housing in which controversy has been raised. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has ordered a research service for this purpose, and plans to finalize and announce the standard by the end of the year.

It will be revealed whether the GTX-D route map aimed at the western part of the metropolitan area will be introduced. The government plans to establish and announce the 4th national rail network plan in June, and the inclusion of the GTX-D route will be decided after analyzing the cost and benefits. Currently, Bucheon, Gimpo, and Hanam in Gyeonggi-do have suggested to the government that the GTX-D route is necessary.

Professor Shim Gyo-eon of Konkuk University’s Department of Real Estate said, “The government’s supply measures are not capable of producing a supply effect within the year, but various regulations such as the leasing law are influencing the present.” “This year, various regulations will be overlaid, but market stabilization It seems difficult.”

/ Reporter Kang Dong-hyo [email protected]

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