‘Long live for independence’ Park Soo-hong “He is what he manages”… Kim Hee-cheol “I was worried, but I’m glad”

JTBC’Long live for independence’ capture © News1

Park Soo-hong, a broadcaster of’Long Live Independence’, once again revealed his overflowing affection for his cat, Da Hong.

On the afternoon of the 12th, in the JTBC entertainment program’Long Live Independence’, while Park Soo-hong appeared as a guest, I heard a word from MC Kim Hee-cheol, “Isn’t it a single life for 52 years?”

Park Soo-hong, who appeared on the broadcast today in a more subdued appearance than before, said, “It has been 10 years since I was independent,” and said, “But it seems like I was mentally independent in many ways when I met Da Hong.”

Park Soo-hong received praise from the MCs. Then Park Soo-hong said, “Dahhong has me,” and said, “The house has changed completely, Dahong has replaced all the toys and sofas made of scratchable materials, and now the house has changed a lot into the area of ​​Dahongi.”

Park Soo-hong said, “I brought it to the filming site today, but if you sit here, you’ll be still, this is a real genius.” He followed the pleasant arm-bulging talk on his back, causing laughter.

In addition, “Dahhong doesn’t touch anything other than his cat tower, it’s not boasting, it’s a fact,” he said. “All that money is managed by Dahong, but in this world, everything he manages.” I said I bought a laugh.

Hee-cheol Kim, who heard this, drew attention to Park Soo-hong in relief saying, “I was worried about my brother a lot, but I am in good shape.”

Meanwhile, Park Soo-hong recently started a legal battle with his brother over financial issues. He admitted that he suffered financial damage from his family, including his brother, through his SNS last month, and sued the prosecution on charges of embezzlement of his brother and sister-in-law on the 5th. It is known that Park Soo-hong lost about 15 kilograms in weight during the conflict.

In this regard, on the 3rd, Park Soo-hong’s brother-in-law confronted with a media outlet that it would actively respond to Park Soo-hong’s complaint. In addition, Park Soo-hong’s own brother claimed that the high school daughter, who is preparing for the entrance exam through the media, is currently receiving psychiatric treatment. He added that the conflict between the brothers started because of Park Soo-hong’s problem with his girlfriend born in 1993.

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