Loans open again… Commercial banks resume one after another from January

Input 2020.12.30 17:08

Bank loans, which were virtually suspended at the end of this year, will resume from next year. Banks, who have been desperately guilty of lending to manage the total amount of household loans ahead of the end of the year, are gradually reverting their lending-related policies to the previous one from the beginning of the year.

According to the financial sector on the 30th, Shinhan Bank decided to re-apply for non-face-to-face credit loans for office workers, including’convenient credit loans for office workers’ starting from January of next year. This product is a representative non-face-to-face loan product that allows financial consumers to easily apply for a loan from the Shinhan Bank application (app). Shinhan Bank did not accept applications for non-face-to-face credit products from the 15th to the end of this month.

A Shinhan Bank official said, “The measures that prevented the recruitment of housing and officetel mortgage loans and out-of-house loans through loan advisors will be released from next month.” Shinhan Bank decided to accept applications for non-face-to-face mortgage loans for life stability funds, which had been suspended until the end of the year, from January next year.

Woori Bank also resumes sales of its flagship non-face-to-face credit loan product’We WON Office Worker Loans’, which had been discontinued on the 11th, in January next year. However, it plans to approve loans up to the maximum limit of 100 million won. It means that the strict standards applied to loans for high-income and high-credit people will be extended and applied next year.

Shinhan Bank Branch in Seoul. /yunhap news

KB Kookmin Bank, in principle, blocked all household loans exceeding 100 million won on the 14th, and blocked all new household credit loans exceeding 20 million won from the 22nd, but will lift the measure from January next year.

From the beginning of this year, it is also possible to convert a mortgage loan from another bank to a mortgage loan from KB Kookmin Bank.

However, Kookmin Bank is also expected to seldom lower the credit limit for high-income professionals. Kookmin Bank has decided to keep the measures to reduce the credit limit for professional credit, which was implemented since the end of September, at the level of 200 million won for the time being. Since the last Chuseok holiday, Kookmin Bank has lowered the credit limit for professional workers from a maximum of 400 million won to 200 million won.

Internet specialty bank Kakao Bank will resume its new’minus bankbook credit loan’ on January 1 of next year for high-credit office workers, which it announced that it will be suspended from the 17th to the 31st.

An official at Kakao Bank said, “Because the loan limit is relatively lower than that of other commercial banks, resuming credit loans will not have a big impact.”

NH Nonghyup Bank decided to increase the preferential interest rate for household loans at branch offices from January 4th next year. It has been about two months since the preferential interest rate benefit was drastically reduced for loan management in November.

From the 4th of next month, the Nonghyup will increase the maximum preferential interest rate for housing mortgage loans under the variable rate of preferential interest rate from 1.0% to 1.4% by 0.4 percentage points. The preferential interest rate for credit loans rises from 0 to 0.25% to 0.8 to 1.2%.

However, the measures applied to housing-related loans in November by reinforcing the standard of total debt repayment ratio (DSR) will be maintained for next year. DSR is calculated by taking the share of annual principal and interest payments of all loans in annual income. The Nonghyup originally calculated the loan amount by applying DSR 100% to housing-related loans, but from November this standard has been strengthened to 80%.

An official of Nonghyup Bank said, “We have not yet decided whether to adjust the DSR standards.”

An official from a commercial bank said, “This resumption of loans seems to be the result of a hard work between the idea that the loan sector should regain profitability in the new year and that the government should keep pace with the household loan management policy.” With the line of related regulations, both the banking sector and financial consumer fatigue have already increased, and as the banking business is basically based on the loan-to-deposit margin, it will be difficult to continue to press on the measures to suppress lending.”
